Clicker training has spread across the world and captured the interest of pet dog owners during the last decade.
But many gundog trainers remain sceptical as to it’s benefits or practical applications in gundog training.
The purpose of this series of articles is not to try and persuade you towards or away from clicker training.
Nor to make a judgement on the relative merits of the system, but to give you a ‘taster’ of what clicker training is all about, and the resources to find out more if you interested in doing so.
In this section I will try and answer your initial questions about clicker training, and to provide unbiased information on the technique, its history, successes and challenges. I’ll take a look at how the clicker might relate to the world of the working gundog and provide you with information which may help you decide if you would like to learn about this training technique.
You are very welcome to comment or ask questions as we go.
If you enjoy my articles, you might like my new book: The Happy Puppy Handbook – a definitive guide to early puppy care and training.
Update: I have now made a resource page for clicker gundogs. You can find a complete list of my clicker articles by clicking the link