There is a great deal of interest in clicker training nowadays.
So it is not surprising that some people are now trying clicker techniques on their gundogs.
I have found quite a few uses for the clicker in gundog training. Especially when it comes to resolving retrieving problems.
If you are considering clicker training your gundog, you may find some of these articles helpful.
Choose from
- What is clicker training?
- Can gundogs be clicker trained?
- 7 great things about clicker training your gundog
- Some challenges for gundog clicker trainers
- What does punishment mean to a clicker dog trainer
- What is a positive-only trainer
- Who is clicker training their dogs
- Mixed methods in gundog training
- The clicker trained retrieve
- How does clicker training work at a distance?
- How to charge a clicker
- Clicker training puppies
- The dangers of clicker training
People are often deeply divided when it comes to clicker training for gundogs. It is easy to dismiss clicker training as ‘party tricks’ but after training both with, and without the clicker, I find it pays to be objective about the pros and the cons.
Many gundog trainers are sceptical about the benefits or feasibility of owning a ‘clicker gundog’, I hope you will ‘dive in’ with an open mind, enjoy the articles, and maybe even have a go!
To find out more about how dogs learn, you can download my e-book ‘How to win at dog training’ over on the Labrador Site
And for those of you that would like to delve a little more into the science behind the system. Find out about Operant Conditioning and Classical Conditioning – in articles written specifically for gundog owners.