This is an information page for members of the Positive Gundogs Facebook Group and for those who would like to join. You can find the latest group information here, together with joining criteria and instructions.
About the group
Positive Gundogs is a specialist education and practical support group. Our aims are to help those who wish to train gundogs without the use of force. And to further the progress of force free training within the gundog community. We are not a general gundog training support group.
Most of our existing members are either force free trainers or aspire to be so. We also have some traditional trainers in the group that are interested in helping us further our goals, and willing to offer their knowledge and experience to help us work out force-free alternatives to mainstream training techniques.
It is against the rules of our group to promote the use of aversives to other members.
Please check out this information before applying to join the group: What is Force Free Gundog Training and read parts A and B below before sending me an email (part C).
A. This group is open to applications from:
- Established force-free gundog trainers – those that are already training their gundogs without force
- Force-free dog trainers from other disciplines who wish to learn about gundog fieldwork and / or contribute their own knowledge and skills to the group
- Cross-over gundog trainers – those that have trained with force in the past but who are now learning to train without it
- Newcomers to gundog training who intend to train their gundogs without force from the start
IMPORTANT: In your application, you will need to tell me which of the above groups you belong to. It isn’t sufficient to tell me you have a new puppy, or that you want help with your dog.
B The group is not open to applications from:
- Those who are not interested in gundog fieldwork or in helping those who are
- Balanced trainers – those using a mixture of rewards and aversives.
- Those who just want general help and support with gundog training
- Those that have not yet made their mind up about force free gundog training
- Those who want to discuss the pros and cons of force free gundog training
The group provides a support network for positive reinforcement trainers to help one another with some of the challenges of training in a highly distracting environment without the use of punishment, and with being part of a minority group within the larger gundog community.
It is also a place where newcomers to gundog training can learn the principles of science based dog training, and where we can discuss the future of force free training and the best way to ensure it’s growth and success.
The group’s role does not include educating or converting those who are not yet ready to change their approach to gundog training.
If you are still at the ‘discovery’ stage and are interested in finding out more about positive reinforcement training there is nothing wrong in that at all. But you are not ready for our group. You can find plenty of information on this site. Operant conditioning in a nutshell for gundog trainers is a good place to begin
C How Do I Join
There are two steps to joining.
Step 1: Email me ([email protected]) In your email you need to
- Tell me which of the four categories in part A you fall into
- Confirm in writing, that you have read, and agree to abide by, the rules of the group
Step 2: Click on the ‘JOIN’ button on the group page
Don’t forget to include your Facebook name in your email so that I can match your email with your join request
Why can’t I get into the group?
I regret that I don’t have time to send out questions to those whose emails are missing the relevant information, so if you fail to include it, you won’t be admitted to the group
Bear in mind that most people who fail to get into the group are turned down because they don’t make clear that they are specifically interested in force free training.
David Carter says
I whole heartedly agree with the principles of positive reinforcement training and the rules of the group and will abide by them.
Although not involved as yet in shooting and or beating it is something I am very interested in and over the next few months will be hoping to welcome a Cocker to the family and to train it to gundog standards using the Gundog clubs graded training scheme.
Amanda Lynnes says
Dear Pippa,
Yes, I have read and agree completely with the groups objectives and to abide by the the following rules as posted above:
I am committed to the principles of positive reinforcement training and to the aims of the group;
I will not promote the use of aversives to other group members;
I have read and will abide by, the rules of the group;
I work or aspire to work my gundog in the shooting field, and/or to work through the Gundog Club’s Graded Training Scheme, and/or compete with my gundog in working tests, trials, or scurries;
I have re-homed an 18 month old WCS who has only minimal training and have been working with a local trainer, who believes in positive reinforcement, to get him focussed and working with us. She helped train us too! Alongside, this group and your book ‘Total Recall’ has been the most useful resource I have found so far. I would be very grateful to re-join. Thank you!
Pippa says
Thanks Amanda, don’t forget to click on the join button on the group
Rebekah Day says
I agree wholeheartedly with all the terms and conditions. My husband and I pick up our HPR puppy in 8 weeks time. I have no knowledge of gun dog training so I look forward to learning positive gun dog training from those with experience.
Aaron Cornish says
I have read the information above
I am committed to the principles of positive reinforcement training and to the aims of the group
I will not promote the use of aversives to other group members
I have read and will abide by, the rules of the group
I work or aspire to work my gundog in the shooting field, and/or to work through the Gundog Club’s Graded Training Scheme, and/or compete with my gundog in working tests, trials, or scurries.
Aaron Cornish
Sid says
I have read the information above, I am committed to the principles of positive reinforcement training and to the aims of the group,I will not promote the use of aversives to other group members, I have read and will abide by, the rules of the group.
I have labs and GWPs I compete in working tests but also work my dogs in the field. Three years ago I decided to educate myself more about dogs in general and I am currently studying for a Bsc degree in Canine Behaviour and Training.
Daisy Louisa Hutchinson says
I was very excited to come across this website and group after reading Pippas books.
I have a labrador puppy who i aspire to work in the shooting field.
I agree to the following terms:
I have read the information above
I am committed to the principles of positive reinforcement training and to the aim of the group
I will not promote aversives to other group members
I have read and will abide by the rules of the group
Adam Sobieraj says
I have read the information above
I am committed to the principles of positive reinforcement training and to the aims of the group
I will not promote the use of aversives to other group members
I have read and will abide by, the rules of the group (click to read)
I work or aspire to work my gundog in the shooting field, and/or to work through the Gundog Club’s Graded Training Scheme, and/or compete with my gundog in working tests, trials, or scurries.
– Adam Sobieraj
Daisy Moore says
I have read the information and am committed to using positive reinforcement training and avoiding aversives. I have a 4 month old working cocker I am trying to train force-free and so far he is a delight (despite the teething!), and we have a great bond. He is obviously full of energy and instinct, and is desperate to do flyball and agility but has to wait until he’s old enough. I’m sure he would enjoy gundog training too – but there doesn’t appear to be any force-free gundog trainers within range (we live in South East Wales) so I need to teach myself how to train him! We won’t be going on any shoots but it would be nice to progress through the graded training scheme and/or compete in working tests (with dummies). Most importantly, I think my dog would enjoy it and it would strengthen our bond. I am hoping the group will teach me about what’s involved with gundog training and trials, and help me to learn how to train my own pup in a positive force-free way.
Anna Blad says
Hi Pippa,
I agree and accept the terms and conditions of the group.
I hope I can join the group again it gives so many good tips, thoughts and hope of gun dog training.
Still a beginner on gun dog training but now on my way on becoming a instructor – a force free one of course- trying to learn new things every day.
From Sweden and my training partner is Angel a beautiful little hard working labrador lady, 3 years of age.
Hope to get inspired!
Eric Neufeld says
I agree to the following terms:
I have read the information above
I am committed to the principles of positive reinforcement training and to the aims of the group
I will not promote the use of aversives to other group members
I have read and will abide by, the rules of the group
I aspire to work my gundog in the shooting field
I have an English Pointer that I hope to hunt with.
Mark Taylor says
I agree to the following terms:
I have read the information above
I am committed to the principles of positive reinforcement training and to the aims of the group
I will not promote the use of aversives to other group members
I have read and will abide by, the rules of the group
I work or aspire to work my gundog in the shooting field, and/or to work through the Gundog Club’s Graded Training Scheme, and/or compete with my gundog in working tests, trials, or scurries.
I am new to the group, have read The Lab Handbook & Total Recall several times, have written notes all over them and completely agree with the ethos that you adopt with the training methods described. I own a working Labrador myself who is also the family pet. I am a dog trainer specialising in working with gundog breeds.
Heidi Holvoet says
Dear Pippa,
I am happy to agree and accept the terms of agreement. Our yellow labrador is 10 months old and I have been training him wih positive methods since he came home to us at 8 weeks. We have done our first gundog training session with Collette Urquhart and would like to do more gundog training further along.
Kind regards, Heidi
Lynn Mayes says
hello Pippa,i would like to rejoin the group please,i have read the rules and will abide by them.i will never use or promote aversives,i am new to gundogs,i have been owned by keeshonds since the working cocker is 2 and wonderful,but very different.i would love to know how to do gundog exercises as well as the obedience things we do
Kate Buchanan says
Hi Pippa,
I agree with the new terms and conditions of the group and am already committed to non aversive training. My two ESSs are approaching 1 year old and I have found your Happy Puppy and Total Recall books invaluable. However one of them is particularly challenging and I think would benefit from and enjoy gun dog training although they are family pets and I will not be actually working them.
Please add me to the group so that I can learn more.
David Dunn says
I have read the information above
I am committed to the principles of positive reinforcement training and to the aims of the group
I will not promote the use of aversives to other group members
I have read and will abide by the rules of the group
I live in Spain and have recently adopted an 18 month old rescue Brittany. Obviously nothing is known of his history as he was found as a stray dragging an illegal bird trap around on one of his hind legs. From his initial lack of trust in human males I don’t has been well treated in his early days. My objective in joining the group is to get him trained to the level you describe in Total Recall so that we have a happy and mutually enjoyable relationship.
Christine Sharman says
I have read all of the information and agree to the conditions. I am new to retrieving training and have a Golden Retriever with a soft nature and low drive so I read all of the article in Totally Gundogs and foll you on FB.
Karen McCarthy says
I have read the information and agree to the conditions. I have used clicker training on my puppies since the late 90’s and am interested in using new ideas and methodolgies in my gundog training
Helen Louise Chadderton says
Hi, I have read the terms and conditions and I agree and will abide by them, I have 2 gsp’s who I want to train using your positive reinforcement techniques, thanks for letting me join this great group
Kirsty Russell says
Hi Pippa
I would like to join this group, please. I have read and agree with the ethos and principles of the group and I am committed to the principles of positive reinforcement. I have found your post online of great use when choosing my pup and at early stages of his training.
I am completely new to Gundog training and wish to learn the positive way to train my cocker puppy.
Louise mclaughlin says
Hi Pippa
I would love to join this group. I have read and agree with the ethos and principles of the group.
I am new to Gundog training and wish to learn the positive way.
Louise mclaughlin
Jeri Embrey says
I have read and will abide by the rules of the group. I am committed to the principle of positive training. I will not promote the use of aversives to anyone, and I aspire to work my gundog in working tests. Than you!
jim griffiths says
I have read and agree to your terms and conditions. I would like to join this group to learn and get ideas on teaching my 1 year old chocolate lab to learn the ways of a gundog.
Janet Auton says
I have read and agree with the T&C’s of the group. I have a 6 yr old Labrador who really enjoys his gun dog lessons using positive training methods. I would like to join this group.
Alison Yeo says
Alison Yeo
I have read and agree to the terms of the Group. I have had Pointers for 30+ years but only dabbled with trying to work them. A couple of years ago we got our first working cocker and have just been told about this Group by Collette Urquart at a Gundog Training weekend she has just taken. Would love to learn more just so my dogs and I can work together.
Ealasaid Dick says
I have read, understood and accept your terms and conditions for joining the “Positive Gundogs” group on facebook. I have a 6mo ESS pup that is currently in training and is really coming along using positive techniques. Not that I’ve tried negative ones of course! I really believe that all animals should be trained like this and I approach my sheep in very much the same way. Many thanks.
Sarah Hayward says
I completely agree with all your terms and conditions and although I’m not sure I can offer much to others, I would love to educate myself on how to raise my Cocker Spaniel in a way that is kind, fair and force-free. I absolutely believe this can be achieved and it is the ONLY way I feel comfortable.
There is so much information out there that is confusing (well to me as a new dog owner!) and I have struggled to find a trainer who I feel completely comfortable with (or are close enough to help regularly), so I have decided I will educate myself! I hope I have found a resource that will help me train my dog without any force or fear.
Linda Nicholson says
I totally agree with the terms and conditions of this group. I consider myself a positive trainer, but new to field work. I am determined to learn how to train my 3-yr old Lab to do field work in a positive way.
Fiona Spencer says
I own a working lab, born August 2015. She is responding beautifully so far to this approach to training, and I wish to learn more about training her in field trial skills using this approach.
Pippa says
You’ll need to agree to the terms Fiona, and then to click on the joining link on the group
Sarah Powdrill says
I confirm that I have read and agree to the conditions of entry as detailed above.
alice hyslop says
hi pippa i have read conditions and am more than happy to use positive training methods. new to gundog training but have done obedience with my lab for 4 years
fyi – this website is very slow tonight (1.5.16)
Lesley Mack says
I agree and abide by all your rules, Helen Phillips told me about this group, nice to be among like minded people
Liz Joyce says
Hi Pippa
I agree to the terms and conditions of the group and strive to train my dogs using positive reward methods. I also have a very challenging spaniel! Please could I join this group.
Lisa Juday says
I have read the above requirements and agree to abide by them. I was getting a lot out of the website, and I hope to be able to re-join so I and my Welshie might be able to further our work in the filed.
Devon Ward says
I have read and agree to the information above.
I am committed to the principles of positive reinforcement training and to the aims of the group
I will not promote the use of aversives to other group members
I have read and will abide by, the rules of the group (click to read)
I work or aspire to work my gundog in the shooting field, and/or to work through the Gundog Club’s Graded Training Scheme, and/or compete with my gundog in working tests, trials, or scurries.
Ruth van Swaay says
I am Ruth and live in Arnhem, The Netherlands. I am the happy and proud owner of Asjen, an Irish Setter R/W, 3,5 years old. We’ve trained in a couple of ‘traditional’ gundog groups, each of which definately weren’t very succesful or a great pleasure. Due to aversive training methods and because they hardly matched my dogs (breed) needs. Christel Holtrop introduced me to Helen Philips. We’ve since followed two of her 3-day workshops in Holland and Belgium, with more coming up!! Asjen and I train weekly with Jolein van Weperen, one of Hollands leading positive reinforcement trainers and am studying to be an instructor myself.
Needless to say: I am without doubt committed to the pronciples and the aims of your group and would like to be able to join! PS: I have no website, only a Fb-page.
Carolan Smerdon says
I have read the information above
I am committed to the principles of positive reinforcement training and to the aims of the group
I will not promote the use of aversives to other group members
I have read and will abide by, the rules of the group (click to read)
I work or aspire to work my gundog in the shooting field, and/or to work through the Gundog Club’s Graded Training Scheme, and/or compete with my gundog in working tests, trials, or scurries.
Jane Holmes says
Abso bloomin lutely! Accept the terms and conditions. Have studied Canine Behaviour for over 10 years although cannot claim a specific qualification (almost but not quite!) Very interested for any resources which apply to the specifics of training for gundog work.
Christel Holtrop says
I would like to join this group. I have read the terms and conditions and totally agree with it. I am into gundog training for nearly eight years and only train positively. I have two Spanisch waterdogs, one of them is a puppy of 5 months old . We live in the Netherlands.
Adele says
Hi Pippa, I have read the T&Cs and would like to rejoin. . I have a 2 year old GSP and we do our gundog training with Helen Phillips, hoping to do Grade 1 &2 certificates this year
Henna Kyllönen says
I have read the information above
I am committed to the principles of positive reinforcement training and to the aims of the group
I will not promote the use of aversives to other group members
I have read and will abide by, the rules of the group (click to read)
I work or aspire to work my gundog in the shooting field, and/or to work through the Gundog Club’s Graded Training Scheme, and/or compete with my gundog in working tests, trials, or scurries.
Jayde Driver says
Hi Pippa,
I completely agree with all the Ts&Cs and would like to rejoin the group,
Jayde Driver
pauline jackson says
I agree to the terms and will abide by them. Would love to re-join
Harry says
Hi Pippa – avid reader of your posts and Total Recall. I have a gorgeous 9month old cocker who I am trying to claw back from having chased too many pheasants. Perfect in the garden, however we have done a couple of sessions with a gun dog trainer in his pheasant pen, which I think has done more harm than good. All information read and understood, absolutely committed to positive reinforcement and non-aversive methods. I will abide by the rules of the group. I aspire to work with my dog to shooting field standard with a view to beating. Facebook request made.
wendy hambleton says
hi, agree with the T&Cs and would love to be able to rejoin please.
Piri Kais says
I have read and agree to the terms and conditions of this group an would like to rejoin.
Nicki wright says
Hi, I have read all the T&C and rules. I agree with all of them.
I would love to join the group again
I have 3 labs and one working cocker spaniel.
Deb Renals says
Hi Pippa, I have read all the T&Cs and rules and agree with all of them.
I would like to join the group and look foward to joining in with the forum.
Many thank
Belinda Marrow says
I have read and agree with the t&c’s. I have 3 HWV and train with Helen Phillips.
Ralph Sweet says
I agree to T&Cs outlined above and can confirm that I will abide by them. I currently have a 15yo Springer that I Hunt Tested and Hunted. I am in the market for a pup and want to use Positive Reinforcement as my only training method with the new dog.
Marloes Strikwerda says
I have read the information above
I am committed to the principles of positive reinforcement training and to the aims of the group
I will not promote the use of aversives to other group members
I have read and will abide by, the rules of the group (click to read)
I work or aspire to work my gundog in the shooting field, and/or to work through the Gundog Club’s Graded Training Scheme, and/or compete with my gundog in working tests, trials, or scurries.
Gillian Cox says
Hi Pippa,
I agree to T&Cs outlined above and can confirm that I will abide by them.
I have a 14 month WHV and very much support a positive approach to training and would like to progress through the field tests. I already see a positive trainer on a regular basis and would like to develop my knowledge of positive methods to support this.
Liz Mossop says
I have read and understood the rules and agree to abide with them. I am fully supportive of the principles of positive gundog training.
I have read the information above
I am committed to the principles of positive reinforcement training and to the aims of the group
I will not promote the use of aversives to other group members
I have read and will abide by, the rules of the group (click to read)
I work or aspire to work my gundog in the shooting field, and/or to work through the Gundog Club’s Graded Training Scheme, and/or compete with my gundog in working tests, trials, or scurries.
sarah austin says
Dear Pippa, I agree with your groups terms and conditions and would like to join your group please. My lab is seven .. we need to do more positive training to reinforce our bond, to add to what we already know/do. We are also rejoining our local gundog club and aim to move forward within the group ,, and getting two of your books. 🙂
Charli Watkins says
I’ve read the statements above and totally agree with them.
Our long awaited Springer Spaniel is due to be born in 2 weeks time and I can’t wait to put positive gundog training into practice. I’m already a clicker training addict, and I’m afraid to say I may have become Pippa’s newest stalker…I love love love total recall and have asked for the first gundog manual for my birthday.
Wiola Grabowska says
Hi Pippa, I have read and agree to your T&C. I bought my first Springer puppy last month from another member of your group and would like to give her all the chances to be a happy, positively trained working dog. I am reading your book “Total Recall” and love your approach.
Thank you!
Ange Rice says
PLease could I join your group, I believe in positive methods of training, love gundogsand agree with your terms and conditions
Robert Milner says
I agree to T&C.
I am a gundog trainer of 40 yrs experience. The last 12 yrs have been positive. I recently published my 4th book, “Absolutely Positively Gundog Training”. It is all positive. One of the websites upon which it sells is Karen Pryor’s. I will mail you a copy.
Best Regards,
Robert Milner
Ailsa Cox says
I agree to the T&Cs. I am new to gundog training and have a female WCS of 7 months. Any advice would always be gratefully received!
Lucy Davis says
I totally agree with this groups terms and conditions and would like to rejoin please.
Dawn Green says
Hello Pippa
I do agree with your T&C’s – I spent 8 yrs with Guide for the blind training the pup’s which was very rewarding. Moving into Gundog’s is another world – I have a young working stock lab just 1 yr. He is still learning as much as I am. I have your books and have taken lots of notes on your training method’s.
Because my dog is not KC registered I sadly can’t enter him into any Graded Training Schemes – He has been on a shoot and work’s well on the retrieve/recall/sit. However, we still have a long way to go as we have not mastered the heel position for the duration of a walk, until this does happen I sadly cannot join a local gundog club! So joining your group on facebook will be most helpful.
Pippa says
Hi Dawn, no pedigree registration is required for any of the Gundog Club’s activities or field tests
Britney Blanchette Pitre says
I have read all of the terms and conditions, and I 100% agree. I am a positive CPDT-KA, a full professional member of APDT, and a member of PPG. I would like to join the “positive gundogs” group to learn more about training gun dogs using positive, force-free methods.
Charlie Mackender says
I have read the terms and conditions and agree entirely with them and wish to remain a member of this group
Alison Benton says
I have read the information above
I am committed to the principles of positive reinforcement training and to the aims of the group
I will not promote the use of aversives to other group members
I have read and will abide by, the rules of the group
I aspire to work through the Gundog Club’s Graded Training Scheme and then I hope to work my gundog in the shooting field
I am new to the group and a novice spaniel owner of 4 month old puppy. I have found Pippa’s books, websites, training videos and emails tremendously helpful.
Caroline Le Breton says
I have read and agree to the conditions of entry and the rules of the group. I have a lively 2 year old lab, who I am taking to force-free gundog training classes in Jersey. I’m interested in finding out what’s going on with force-free gundog training in the UK.
Amanda Forsyth says
I agree to the rules of the group and have read the requirements. I have been wondering why the FB page had disappeared from my favourites!
Bella Brown says
I agree to the terms set out above and am committed to positive reinforcement training my young dog for working tests, potential trialling, picking up and fun! I am a novice handler and found most of the advice in the group very helpful and supportive.
Gwen Quon says
I have read the terms and conditions for this group. I am a committed clicker trainer with my dogs and horses. I have a 6 year old Lab and would love to have a support group to turn to. Always wanting to learn more.
Anna walker says
I have read and agree to abide by the terms and conditions and am am committed to positive reinforcement training. I have a 5 month old gwp x Brittany and am looking forward to training her with a more forward thinking kinder method. Very exciting can’t wait to read more Anna Walker
Andrea Cook says
I have read the information above
I am committed to the principles of positive reinforcement training and to the aims of the group
I will not promote the use of aversives to other group members
I have read and will abide by, the rules of the group (click to read)
I work or aspire to work my gundog in the shooting field, and/or to work through the Gundog Club’s Graded Training Scheme, and/or compete with my gundog in working tests, trials, or scurries.
I’m new to the group and am currently reading Total Recall. I completely agree with the conditions of entry and the principles of the group.
Kelly Hill says
Hi, I have read and understood the T&C’s. Have got my first spaniel and aspire to work her on the shooting field. I am looking for force free training tips and advice and have already read some of your fantastic articles!
Kelly says
Hi, I have read and understood the T&C’s. Have got my first spaniel and aspire to work her on the shooting field. I am looking for force free training tips and advice and gave already read sons of your fantastic articles!
Ciara Cooke says
I agree to all the above terms and conditions and on recommendation from a trainer already on the forum I would really love to be involved and learn how to train my 2 older dogs (springer and cocker) along with starting and training my pup in the correct manner also. My name is Ciara Leigh-Anne Cooke
Kristína Kika Halászová says
Hi Pippa.
I agree the terms. I would like to join the group to learn from the best like you. I have a 2 years old female chocolate labrador.
Gordy James says
I have read and understood T&C’s. I am new to the group but have always followed your training tips for my working springer spaniel. In fact I bought your book total recall and I could recommend it to anyone having problems with recall , the book is so well written and I gained a lot from it as did my spaniel!
Julie Mitchell says
My reason for requesting to join is that I would like to train my spaniel (a rehome) to work but when I visited a gun dog trainer I could not implement the method I was shown as to me it appeared harsh and I have only managed to find obedience trainers using positive methods, which is great but not enough for a spaniel bred from working lines. I agree with the terms and conditions set out.
Corrine says
I agree to the following terms of the group:
I have read the information above
I am committed to the principles of positive reinforcement training and to the aims of the group
I will not promote the use of aversives to other group members
I have read and will abide by, the rules of the group (click to read)
I work or aspire to work my gundog in the shooting field, and/or to work through the Gundog Club’s Graded Training Scheme, and/or compete with my gundog in working tests, trials, or scurries.
I have positively-trained Vizslas and we are training toward future hunt tests.
Holly Thomas says
I wholeheartedly agree. I have long wished to trial gundog work initally with my own Spans, then possibly add that to my training services. Until now though I have been “scared to” for obvious reasons!
Erika Mireille Anseeuw says
I agree (whole-heartedly) with the ethos of the group and the terms of joining. I just got my first gundog last week but have been training using positive reinforcement for years. I am a vet at a humane society (the “works at Best Buy” in my Facebook description is for privacy).
Simon Gower says
I have read the information above
I am committed to the principles of positive reinforcement training and to the aims of the group
I will not promote the use of aversives to other group members
I have read and will abide by, the rules of the group
I aspire to work my gundog in the shooting field.
Facebook name: Simon Gower
Penny Woodward says
Hi Pippa,
I train a lot with people who still use the older methods of negative reinforcement and it is interesting to see how some of them are beginning to “lighten up” after watching that the same results can be obtained using gentler, more positive methods. I still have so much to learn but am hopeful that the tide of retriever training will begin to turn. It takes a long time to turn the Titanic but it can be done.
Thank you for putting together this wealth of information for us all. I will certainly abide by the rules set forth in the positive gundogs group.
Julie Sherratt says
I posted in February, but havn’t heard anything as yet. We have a 1yr old Springer cross and have found advice from the group extreemly helpful. I am really struggling to find a gun dog trainer let alone a positive trainer in my area. ( Nr Buxton North Derbyshire )So the group has been an invaluable resource.
Please could I rejoin the group. I have read the info and agree to abide by the terms of the group.
My face book name is Julie Sherratt
Colin Garritty says
Thrilled to find this page and begin learning from like minds with our new rescue griffon. Agree to group membership conditions. Thanks!
Julia Lewis says
I have three Sussex Spaniels and am training two of them using positive methods. Sussex are relatively difficult to train and retrieving does not come naturally to them, so I’ve found the tips on your Facebook page invaluable. I particularly like the videos on retrieving. I would very much like to rejoin the group and am happy to abide by your terms and conditions.
Julia Lewis says
I would very much like to rejoin the Facebook group as I found it very helpful before. I particularly liked watching the videos, especially those on retrieving as my Sussex Spaniel finds that difficult. I agree to the terms and conditions.
Matt Cutler says
Hi, I agree with the terms and conditions of the group and am very keen to join. I’m a new Labrador owner who is very interested in starting gundog training.
Liesl Brady says
I agree to your terms and conditions and would like to join your group to become more informed in the field of positive Gun Dog training. I am a beginner in the Gun Dog Training world.
Frances Atherton says
Frances Atherton – I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions of the group,. I hope you accept my application to join. You have been recommended by Collette Urquhart after I recently attended a very good Gundog Training workshop she ran.
gemma rodgers says
I agree to the terms for joining the group, I certainly agree with them and am very keen to make the most of all advice and encouragement I can get!
Debbie Glascow says
I agree with your conditions of being a group member.
I have some physical problems and have been doing my best to train my Labrador myself to help and support me. Have always found the information in this group very helpful if not always actively contributing myself. Great to turn to when advise needed or following other posts.
Jo Radley says
Hi, I have read and agree with the conditions. I am a positive reinforcement hobby trainer with a home bred 5 month old Working Golden Retriever who is just starting training. I have no experience in Gundog training so I am hoping for some tips and guidance. I have taken CAP 2 and done a CAP 3 course and am hoping to do working tests and the Gundog Clubs grades.
Sarah Hanson says
I have read, understand the T&Cs and I also agree with them and wish to rejoin the group
Pippa says
Don’t forget to click the join button Sarah 🙂
Kerry Wiggins says
I agree to the terms and conditions. I applied to rejoin the group a week or so ago, but have heard nothing?
Pippa says
You are in now Kerry 🙂
emily macaulay says
Emily Macaulay – Dog lover, raw feeder and positive training technique user.
I would very much like to re-join this group please. I completely agree with the values and principles of positive gun dog/dog training and understand and agree to the terms and conditions of joining.
Proud owner of 9yr old Sringer/Lab cross and very nearly 1yr old Working Cocker.
Anthea Clarke says
Dear Pippa, I have read the info relating to the Positive Gundogs group and confirm that I am committed to the principles of positive training, will not promote or employ aversives, will obey the rules of the Group and aspire to work and enter working tests with my cocker spaniel. I have done some clicker training and am currently trying to crossover completely. I have been using your articles to teach delivery etc using a clicker and found them amazingly helpful and effective. I am currently reading various books about crossing over. My dog is 3 years old, the first one I have ever owned, has passed grade 3 of the Gundog Club’s graded scheme but has now started freezing on me when we are in public ie at a working test. I have never used aversive techniques but we have been to one or two training sessions with scary trainers which have stressed us both! I now need to work on increasing our self confidence together. I am currently with an excellent trainer who does use positive reinforcement but I would like to take it further and earn to work with the clicker system.
Penny Burgess says
I agree and have read the terms and conditions. i am a member of the Association of Pet Dog trainers with a special interest in Gundog Training.
gemma leadbetter says
I have read the information above
I am committed to the principles of positive reinforcement training and to the aims of the group
I will not promote the use of aversives to other group members
I have read and will abide by, the rules of the group (click to read)
I work or aspire to work my gundog in the shooting field, and/or to work through the Gundog Club’s
Facebook name: Gem Leadbetter
I would like to join the positive gundogs group as I am unhappy with the harsh gundog training ‘Vinnie’ has previously had. I paid for 10 sessions upfront and refuse to take him back. I would like to find a trainer who is a positive gundog trainer, as well as educating myself on more training techniques.
gemma leadbetter says
I have read and agree to the terms and conditions.
Andrei Maxim says
I agree with the terms of this group and I do hope that one day I will be able to compete with my dogs in field trials. I was previously a member in the group before the restructuring and I found it extremely useful and I hope I’ll be able to learn more soon.
Sarah Winter says
I agree to the terms of the page. I use positive reinforcement and clicker to shape behaviour of my dog and will promote this. It is important that this type of training is shared so people understand that dogs that are happy will be more inclined to work harder for you. Plus your relationship with the dog will be stronger.
Michael Meaden says
I’ve read and agree with T&C’s and would like to re-join the group. I’ve recently got my first ever pup (springer) and am only interested in +R methods of training.
Lara Butterfield says
I agree to the terms of the group and look forward to learning about positive gundog training to give my already well behaved labrador pup something else to stimulate her ??
Katy Yates says
Hello! I would like to rejoin the group please? I can confirm that I understand and agree to your terms and conditions and appreciate he vast wealth of knowledge and information that the group has to offer. Thank you in advance!
Katy Yates
Vickie Appleton says
I agree to the terms and conditions and would like to join the group
Rachael Harries says
I have read and agree to all the conditions of the group and would like to join the group. I am training my first dog, a 9 month old working cocker spaniel and am interested in working through the graded training scheme. I have also just started reading your training websites and am finding it all extremely interesting, useful and motivating. Thank you. Rachael Harries
Lisa Tonks says
Lisa Tonks
I am an APDT member 001152 and when working with other peoples dogs and training my own dogs I apply their code of conduct. I therefore agree with your code of conduct.
The reason I would like to be consider a member of your group is for idea’s and support. I still stand alone when gun dog training and often have to put up with people slating me for being force free.
The road into becoming a trainer started for me when I didn’t like what i was being told to do to my sensitive loving first labrador when attending gun dog clubs 16 years ago. It became a mission for me to show them and last year with my year old lab, we did – Gun Dog Gold at 1yr 4days having never punished, pulled on the lead or shouted at him. Clicker and treats all the way.
I have read the information above
I am committed to the principles of positive reinforcement training and to the aims of the group
I will not promote the use of aversives to other group members
I have read and will abide by, the rules of the group (click to read)
I work or aspire to work my gundog in the shooting field, and/or to work through the Gundog Club’s Graded Training Scheme, and/or compete with my gundog in working tests, trials, or scurries.
Adam Perry says
I have read and agree to all the conditions of the group and would like to rejoin the group. I am training my first dog working through the graded training scheme and find the resource on this website and the Facebook group a great help in making progress. Adam Perry.
Rachel Johns says
Hi I was a member of the group and would like to join again.
I found the group discussions really helpful, and indeed it is from the group that I was recommended a local positive trainer to help me work with my 2.5 year old black lab. He’s a pet, but from good working stock, and needs to be ‘worked’ in some way to keep him alert, active and eager to please me. I see positive training as vital for our bond as he is so eager to please but wilful when not engaged.
Although just a dog owner, I am keen to work my boy with positive Gundogs principles and have read and understand the ethos of this group, which I am in total agreement with. I support the move to remove non positive trainers, as I had been finding some of recent discussions confusing when not all comments seemed to reinforce your ethos. Please let me know if there is more you need from me.
Jane mickleburgh says
I completely agree with terms and conditions as set out above. I am the proud owner of two cocker spaniels and a golden retriever pup. I look forward to being accepted as a member of this group.
Stevie Allerton says
Hi, I would like to rejoin the group please. It’s a useful resource, particularly to refer clients to for further reading/discussion on the things we learn.
Stevie Allerton, Eshaldwell Gundog Training
Helen Phillips says
? I agree to the terms and conditions as stated above and would like to remain a part of the group
Joanna Fry says
I have read the information and confirm the following
am committed to the principles of positive reinforcement training and to the aims of the group
I will not promote the use of aversives to other group members
I have read and will abide by, the rules of the group (click to read)
I work or aspire to work my gundog in the shooting field, and/or to work through the Gundog Club’s Graded Training Scheme, and/or compete with my gundog in working tests, trials, or scurries.
Slight caveate to the last statement – I have a working cocker, who is purely a pet, but we enjoy teaching her basic gundog skills and I believe it helps her general well being and happiness. I have been a member of this group since it started and being a novice spaniel owner, I find the help, guidance and support available here invaluable.
I would very much like to continue to be a member.
lorna teakle says
lorna teakle
i have read your terms and agree with them.
i have a new cocker puppy and would like to train her using positive reinforcement methods.
looking forward to joining your group
many thanks
Caroline Eley says
I’d like to rejoin the FB Group please. I have read and agree to the above conditions.
Phil Young says
Hi Pippa, please can I rejoin the group. I have read and agree with the revised terms and conditions and fully support the ethos of Positive training. `regards Phil Young
Kerry Wiggins says
I have been training and working Gundogs for many years and have trained using a variety of methods. Last year, following another course with Helen Phillips I converted entirely to positive methods and have been working on learning and developing new handling skills to replace the aversives. I find this site supportive encouraging and very helpful. I would be grateful if you would allow me back on the site. I entirely accept the terms and conditions.
Laura Haywood says
Hi, I fully agree to the terms and conditions. I own a 1 year 10 month springer spaniel, I would like to find a positive trainer to learn from so he can progress
jolanda Uyleman says
Hi, my name is Jolanda Uyleman I would like to join this group and agree to the terms and conditions stated above. Thank you.
Sue Roberts says
I agree t&c’s of the new group. Well done to all those in thinking through the purpose of the group. A positive environment in which to share knowledge.
Caroline Fardell says
I have read, understood and100 agree to the principles and purpose of this group.
I would very much like to re-join and continue to learn and share experiences with like minded people with open minds and a positive approach.
I too have a challenging spaniel and need all the help I can get (practically as well as emotionally!!). Sometimes it feels like I’m in a minority and having this connection makes me realise I’m not alone.
Thank you
Channing lee says
I left on accident. I would like to be let back in again and yes I agree with terms. Facebook name Ninny Lee
Charlotte Sørensen says
I am a complete newcomer to gundog work, since I am getting my first dog, a Golden Retriever pup, at the beginning of June. I’ve had some experience with gundog training as my dad was a hunter and had labs. And even though he has always trained with a lot of positive reinformancement and encouragement of the dog (without knowing about the background learning theory), it hasn’t beeen completely positive training without punishment, since the word ‘no’ and mild corrections with bad behaviour was used. So the concept of truly positive reinformancement training is completely new to me and I find it very intriguing. Since I found a good breeder and signed up for a pup, I have read a lot about training and crossed upon positive gundogs, read alot about learning theory and it totally makes sense, so I agree to the terms and conditions (even though I don’t train a dog yet for field trials or gundog training I hope I can be accepted) and would really love to learn more!
I have read the above, and agree on the group policy and training fundamentals. I rather not publicize my name all over the internet, but even with vowels removed I hope you will recognize me and my application. All the best, JKK PLKNGS
Pippa says
Hi there, I don’t recognise your name, but you are welcome to drop me an email [email protected]
Pam Morris says
Hi, Pippa:
I would appreciate being able to rejoin the Positive Gundogs Training group. I have read the information as provided on your site, I am committed to the principles of positive reinforcement training and to the aims of the group, I will not promote the use of aversives to other group members, I have read, will abide by and agree to the rules of the group, and am looking forward to training my Golden Retrievers for field work and would like to learn how to incorporate the Gundog Club’s Graded Training Scheme into my training with the intent to compete with them in working tests and trials here in the U.S. My name as it appears on Facebook is Pam Morris.
Thank you,
Christine Hsu says
I have read the revised rules for the group, and agree to abide by them. Thank you!
Louise Yden says
I have read the conditions and agree to the terms of the group. This group has helped me train my 2.5 year old springer and I hope will come up trumps with my new puppy springer as well.
Natalie Deven says
I have read all the information above and the terms and conditions and I agree to abide by them. I would like to rejoin the group. I have two GWP that I am training, the youngest is responding well to clicker training. I only practice positive reinforcement training and always find the information on this group page invaluable to a novice like me.
Russell Hasenberg says
I understand the terms and conditions and would like to rejoin please
Russell Hasenberg
Pippa says
Do you agree to the terms Russell?
Russell Hasenberg says
hey Pippa! yes i totally agree to the terms. sorry, didnt mean to be vague. Russell Hasenberg
Brian Simpson says
Hi Pippa, My partner Pamela is already a member of your group .. I accept the groups terms and conditions and I would like to learn how to train our 9mth old springer Jess.
Sarah oakes says
Am trying to train without adversives. I agree to new terms and conditions and would like to rejoin group
Carol Bamber says
I agree with the terms and conditions and wish to rejoin.
Lynne thomson says
I have read and understood the terms of the group and would like to re-join
Lynne Thomson
lyndsey rutherford says
I would love to rejoin the group.
I have read the information above
I am committed to the principles of positive reinforcement training and to the aims of the group
I will not promote the use of aversives to other group members
I have read and will abide by, the rules of the group (click to read)
I work or aspire to work my gundog in the shooting field, and/or to work through the Gundog Club’s Graded Training Scheme, and/or compete with my gundog in working tests, trials, or scurries.
Sal Philpott says
I agree to the terms and conditions of the group and would like to rejoin.
Thank you.
Ann McGloon says
HI, I would love to rejoin the group. I have read and agree to all the terms and conditions. Thank you very much for all the work you do in keeping the group a positive place. Ann McGloon
Ben Clinch says
I would like to join the group as I am attempting to train a young GSP dog (high prey drive German line) as a deer dog and need steadiness, trust and partnership for long line tracking and at heel work.
I have had reasonable success with clicker training basics in low stimulus environments but would like to learn about strategies to work up into high stimulus situations. I agree with the terms and aims of the group.
Toni Sanders says
I have read the aims and rules and conditions of the group and totally agree with them. I have trained golden retrievers for a number of years. I have read posts on Positive Gundogs with great interest and I am using the advice that is given to help train my young goldies. Please may I rejoin the group.
martin raw says
Hello all,
I have read through the conditions and rules and i would like to rejoin the group if possible as i found a lot of the files informative and very helpful.
Martin Raw.
Pippa says
do you agree to the terms Martin?
martin raw says
Sorry for the late reply and yes i agree to the terms of the group.
Barbara Miller says
I would love to rejoin the group. i am a force free trainer, agree to abide by the rules. Have never done field work before and would love the resource here to learn to train my clicker trained retriever pup how to work. BTW, I really like your definition of propaganda! I do have a separate dog business Facebook page and website, and will fully comply with no ads, mentions, or business related posts.
Mandy Brennan says
Hi I’m Mandy Brennan and I’d like to rejoin please. I agree with the terms and conditions of the group.
Pippa says
Thanks Mandy, don’t forget to press the join button again 🙂
silvia newton says
! would like to rejoin the group and agree to abide by the rules. I am working my two golden retrievers through the gundog club grades (one has now passed grade 3 and the other grade 1) and am hoping to achieve some respectable marks in ND/NH tests with my boys. I have found the advice and comments posted in the group to be really useful. I train with several trainers, some of whom use only positive training methods.
Tracey Taylor says
I wish to join.
I’ve read the requirements and rules and agree to abiding by them.
I’m new to gundog training – I’m in Australia so have slightly different trialling system.
I currently cross train ESS in agility and just started retrieving training.
Martyn Hartley says
I have read your terms and conditions above relating to your aims, which I happily endorse
I own an 18 month old English Setter (from working lines) and have been taking her for training with Jane Arden. Having kept Setters all my adult life I just wish that I learned about these training methods earlier!
Tina Evans says
I am a newbie to both gundog training and positive reinforcement but so far Pippa’s website, articles and forums have proved an invaluable source of information and I can’t wait to continue learning.
I have read the information above
I am committed to the principles of positive reinforcement training and to the aims of the group
I will not promote the use of aversives to other group members
I have read and will abide by, the rules of the group
I work or aspire to work my gundog in the shooting field, and/or to work through the Gundog Club’s Graded Training Scheme, and/or compete with my gundog in working tests, trials, or scurries.
Tina Evans
John Higgitt says
I confirm & agree to the following to the following
I have read the information above
I am committed to the principles of positive reinforcement training and to the aims of the group
I will not promote the use of aversives to other group members
I have read and will abide by, the rules of the group (click to read)
I work or aspire to work my gundog in the shooting field, and/or to work through the Gundog Club’s Graded Training Scheme, and/or compete with my gundog in working tests, trials, or scurries.
Steve Thompson says
My name is Steve Thompson and I have just applied to join the Facebook group.
I have read and agree to the terms.
Pippa says
Thanks Steve, you may need to press the join button again
Lois Stirling says
Thanks Pippa, I have read and agree with the terms and principles
Pippa says
Thanks Lois, you’ll need to press the group join button now
Kerstin Mark says
I have read and agree to the terms and conditions.
Richard Morris says
Morning Pippa,
I’d like to apply to rejoin the group and agree with the stated aims. We worked through the Puppy Handbook with our springer spaniel Hollie and are well on with Total Recall – both have been invaluable and it’s not luck that we’ve got a dog that’s such a pleasure to live with. My fiancee and I are regularly taking the mickey out of each other for starting sentences with “Pippa says…” Thanks for all your help!
Richard Morris
Pippa says
You are welcome Richard, don’t forget to click the group join button
Craig Whitney says
I agree to the group terms.
Craig Whitney.
Richard Johnston says
Dear Pippa. I am Richard Johnston. I have read all the terms & conditions, am committed to the principles of positive reinforcement training and will abide by the rules of the group. Please could you let me rejoin the group. Ever since we found you on the Internet, both my wife and I have been firm followers to your many training guidance. We are now the very proud owners of 2yr old lab girl who has a huge potential to become a great working gundog. We used to be city dwellers before finally deciding getting our girl and my goodness we have learnt so much since then. All thanks to many of your articles and we would definitely like to keep learning in future. Thank you truly for all your work, time and efforts in guiding us to a happy life with dog!
Tracy Wright Hayes says
I agree to the new terms and conditions and would like to re-join the group. We have a 7 year old rescued red setter who is benefiting from this facebook page (I apply the spaniel articles to her!). We are starting on “Total Recall” training as well.
J o H uxel says
I have read and agree with the terms!
Thanks for all the work you do keeping the group on topic.
Kay Lunnon says
I have read and agree with the terms . I enjoy reading all the posts and they help me in training my young springer. We shall be taking the grade 1 assessment next week.
Sally Wilkinson says
◾I have read the information above
◾I am committed to the principles of positive reinforcement training and to the aims of the group
◾I will not promote the use of aversives to other group members
◾I have read and will abide by, the rules of the group (click to read)
◾I work or aspire to work my gundog in the shooting field, and/or to work through the Gundog Club’s Graded Training Scheme, and/or compete with my gundog in working tests, trials, or scurries.
I have a new to me (rescue) cocker spaniel who is gorgeous, very enthusiastic but quite challenging as he has had no training previously. At this stage I’d really like to work on the Graded Training Scheme.
Faye Iles says
Faye Iles – I have read the above and agree to the terms and conditions of this group. I have an eight month old ESS, my first ever dog and I am looking for force free training tips and information.
I agree to the terms and conditions and wish to rejoin group. Having worked spaniels and flatcoats in shooting field for past 20 or so years, now with a new adolescent FC., also training for KC accreditation. Being old school in the past having been taught that by “trainers” you realise how much mental suffering you caused to your dogs. Never again.
Thank you in anticipation.
Alison Keswick says
I have read and agree to all terms and conditions as listed above.
I am now using these positive methods of training for my third pointer and it is extremely valuable with the pointers that I foster, some of which, have had neglect and cruelty in their former lives!
Dagmara Dag says
Hi, I am Dagmara Dag on facebook. I confirm that I read the new terms and conditions of the group and I strongly agree with them. I am training my GSP rescue and only use positive reinforcement methods. I am against punishemnt and fear based training. My dog makes an amaizing progress, we both learn a lot from you and without it we would not be where we are. We only follow your advices, you are our only source of help. Can I please re-join the group? We are just about to start the total recall program and I have a very important question and cant begin without the answer ?. Thank you
Cassia Turcotte says
I have read the information above and agree to the group rules. Thank you to you admins who have taken the time and care enough to bring this group back to its original purpose. I would love to rejoin the group!
Nicola Wetherill says
I’m Nicola Wetherill and I agree with and am happy to adhere to the terms of the group and would like to rejoin please. Always learning from it!
Melanie Williamson and Marley says
Hi Pippa,
I have read the terms and conditions, thus I am committed to the principles of positive reinforcement training and I continue to demonstrate positive gundog training with my lab retriever. I have thoroughly valued the supportive nature of the group and I would like to continue being a member. Many thanks.
Braden McInteer says
I have read the terms and conditions and agree to them. I am new to positive gun dog training and have a lot to learn. I am currently using positive only techniques on my new lab pup. I will not post anything that is argumentative or in opposition to the core principles of positive gun dog training.
Jackie Cresswell says
I have read the information above
I am committed to the principles of positive reinforcement training and to the aims of the group
I will not promote the use of aversives to other group members
I have read and will abide by, the rules of the group
I work or aspire to work my gundog in the shooting field, and/or to work through the Gundog Club’s Graded Training Scheme, and/or compete with my gundog in working tests, trials, or scurries.
I have an English Springer Spaniel but am fairly new to gundog training. I would like to rejoin the group to continue to learn more.
Sally Mildon says
Hi I am Sally Mildon and I would like to stay a member of your group.
Having read and agree with your terms and condition.
I am committed to the principles of positive reinforcement training.
I will not promote the use of aversives to other group members.
I work or aspire to work my gundog in the shooting field, and/or to work through the gundog club’s grading training scheme, and/or compete with my gundog in working tests,trials or scurries.
I have two Working Cocker Spaniels both from WCS Rescue , I have used your books to help me with their training and have found a positive trainer , Mell Brooks through your books.
I owe you a big thanks for all your help with my two, now happy confident obedient ( well nearly) Spaniels.
Julie Sherratt says
Please could I rejoin the group. I have read and agree to abide by the rules,terms and conditions.
I am committed to the principles of positive reinforcement and will not promote the use of aversives.
We have a 1yr Springer / cross and have found the group an invaluable support. We will be starting the graded training scheme in the spring.
Please may I take this opertunity to say a huge thank you to the group we are lucky enough to live very close to the grouse moors and without this resource life would have been very difficult.
Gina Hayter says
I have read and agree to the terms and conditions of this group, I have a dog in training totally force free.
Amanda Pratt says
I agree to abide by the rules of this Group.
I have 2 spaniels, both of whom are members of the Gundog Club. We train with a positive trainer recommended by the Gundog Club. My younger dog has passed his Grade 1 with distinction and is training for Grade 2.
I have read all Pippa’s articles and have 2 of her books.
I find the positive training methods and your Group very beneficial. I am a Novice with gundogs.
Jakki ison says
Conditions read and agreed to always willing to learn many thanks Jakki
Rachel says
Rachel Meek-Hanna i am a fenzi student and i’m getting my first wpg in june 🙂
Nicola blackie says
I agree to the terms, conditions and ethos of the group
It’s been so valuable while I am training my 9 month old WCS using positive methods
Many thanks
Nicola Blackie
Alison Reeves says
◾I have read the information above
◾I am committed to the principles of positive reinforcement training and to the aims of the group
◾I will not promote the use of aversives to other group members
◾I have read and will abide by, the rules of the group (click to read)
◾I work or aspire to work my gundog in the shooting field, and/or to work through the Gundog Club’s Graded Training Scheme, and/or compete with my gundog in working tests, trials, or scurries.
Hi I run a Gundog Club (a non profit Club) and also work and compete with my own cocker spaniels. In the Club we train twice a month, one session for spaniels, one session for HPR/s and Labradors and for all new enquiries or those buying a new pup I send them a link to your ‘total recall’ book and your website before they even hit our classes. This is a godsend to me as the sound well written advice they can access via your book and group gives them a good understanding of the do’s and don’ts of early conditioning in a youngster and the commitment required from them to train their dog for the shooting field. Its great for continuing their training too….when they are encountering any problems I direct them to your site as a resource to help them – you’ve always covered it 🙂 I’d love to be a rejoined Member.
Pippa says
Thanks for posting Alison, don’t forget to press the ‘join’ button 🙂
John Waters says
I am member of the Gundog Club ,working to the Graded Training Scheme with my ESS Toby. I have read and agree with the the rules for this group . I am committed to using positive training techniques, and am equally committed to avoiding the use of aversive.
Pippa says
Hi John, thanks for posting, you’ll need to click the join button again now 🙂
Colette Lucas says
I have read and agree to the terms and conditions. While I don’t post I am learning a lot from this group.
Lisa Tihverainen says
I would like to re-join the group and have read and totally agree to the terms and conditions of the Positive Gundog group
Lynda Simpson says
I have read the information above
I am committed to the principles of positive reinforcement training and to the aims of the group
I will not promote the use of aversives to other group members
I have read and will abide by, the rules of the group (click to read)
I work or aspire to work my gundog in the shooting field, and/or to work through the Gundog Club’s Graded Training Scheme, and/or compete with my gundog in working tests, trials, or scurries.
Sue Russell says
I have read the information above
I am committed to the principles of positive reinforcement training and to the aims of the group
I will not promote the use of aversives to other group members
I have read and will abide by, the rules of the group (click to read)
I work or aspire to work my gundog in the shooting field, and/or to work through the Gundog Club’s Graded Training Scheme, and/or compete with my gundog in working tests, trials, or scurries.
Michelle Berry says
I accept revised terms and conditions and wish to join the group. I have a young sprocker who I am training this year.
Ros Swallow says
Ros Swallow
I would like to re-join the Positive Gundogs group and agree to the terms and conditions.
Ros Swallow says
Ros Swallow
I agree to the terms and conditions of the Positive Gundogs group.
Debra Wyatt says
Hi my name is Debra Wyatt and I would like to stay a member of this group. I am working towards Gundog Grade 4 with my ESS. I agree to the new terms and conditions Thankyou
Julie Marquis says
Read and agree to the following:
◾I have read the information above
◾I am committed to the principles of positive reinforcement training and to the aims of the group
◾I will not promote the use of aversives to other group members
◾I have read and will abide by, the rules of the group (click to read)
◾I work or aspire to work my gundog in the shooting field, and/or to work through the Gundog Club’s Graded Training Scheme, and/or compete with my gundog in working tests, trials, or scurries.
Kathleen Moore says
I accept revised terms and conditions and wish to join the group.
Steve Haines says
My name is Steve Haines. I agree to the terms and conditions of being a member of this group. Thank you.
judith Charlton says
Hi there, I would like to rejoin the group please. I have read the information above. I am committed to the principles of postive reinforcement training and the aims of the group. I will not promote the use of aversives to other group members. I have read and will abide by the rules of the group. My dog is my first gundog and I work her in the shooting field. We did our first working test last year and I hope to do some more this year. I am keen to learn more about how to get the best out of my dog.
Juhani Sirniö says
Read and agreed all
Rosemary Schneider says
I have read the rules and am happy to abide by them. It is a relief to me that as a new member you have re-structured this Facebook page as I saw a post by someone showing a photo which deeply upset me previously, to the extent that I was thinking of not looking at any posts again.
I have just started training with one of your accredited trainers in Cornwall for Grade 1 and without the positive gundog website I would not have found him. I have already seen a huge improvement in my show cocker and am encouraged to take on a working cocker next year now my confidence is growing.
I hope that I can continue to be a member of this group and keep learning from others experiences, as it is such a valuable resource.
Susan Adams says
I confirm that:
I have read the information above
I am committed to the principles of positive reinforcement training and to the aims of the group
I will not promote the use of aversives to other group members
I have read and will abide by, the rules of the group (click to read)
I work or aspire to work my gundog in the shooting field, and/or to work through the Gundog Club’s Graded Training Scheme, and/or compete with my gundog in working tests, trials, or scurries.
I have found this group to be invaluable. Not only have I found a positive trainer (Collette) but I have been on a weeks course with Helen Phillips, boarded my dog with positive trainers and bought a puppy sired by a Levenghyl after watching Claire’s videos!
You have all been so inspiring!
Sean Taylor says
I have read the information above
I am committed to the principles of positive reinforcement training and to the aims of the group
I will not promote the use of aversives to other group members
I have read and will abide by, the rules of the group
I aspire to work my gundog in the shooting field (one day, maybe), and to work through the Gundog Club’s Graded Training Scheme.
Jane Longhurst says
I have read the information above and confirm that I agree with the principles of positive reinforcement..
I’m not a trainer, I am training my first gun dog, a French Spaniel, and I find the groups advice very helpful.
Neeta Cope says
I agree to the terms listed above. I don’t post but read other’s posts and comments and would like to be included so I can continue to learn.
Anne Lewitt says
I’ve read and totally agree with what you’re doing and with the ethos and rules of the group. I am trying to train my Golden Retriever using positive methods and have learned a huge amount from this group, so I hope you’ll let me rejoin. Thanks.
Christine Peers says
I have found all information on Positive Gundogs site to be very helpful in training my 20 month old Working Golden Retriever. He is our 3rd dog (first working bred goldie) and I have always used positive training. I have witnessed some harsh training methods used in some training groups and cannot see there is any place for such behaviour. I am proud that I can have a better relationship with my dog by using positive training methods and I aspire to work my dog in the shooting field. In the meantime we’ll have a go at some working tests. I hope I can continue to remain in the group. I wholeheartedly agree with the rules and aims of the group.
Kristi says
I have read the terms & conditions & I agree to abide by these. I don’t intend work our dog however we are undertaking fun gun dog training. I wish to remain in the group to view the advice & tips for a positive approach to training. Thank you.
Pippa says
We’ll need your full name Kristi, as it appears on Facebook, thanks
Tory Leason says
I’ve read the terms and conditions of the group and would like to stay a member of that’s ok? I enjoy reading all the advice and find it useful.
Pippa says
To you agree to the terms Tory? 🙂
Stu Canavan says
Hi Pippa,
I can confirm that i have read all of the above information and have read an will abide by the group rules.
As a member of both the Pet Professional Guild and Dog Welfare Alliance, I am committed to Positive Reinforcement training and the group aims. I most certainly will never promote the use of aversives to other group members.
I am a Military Working Dog trainer and we employ some elements of gun-dog training in the development of our search dogs. We also work alongside a number of gun-dog trainers. I am committed to teaching our handlers and trainers the benefits of positive reinforcement training.
Further to this, I am an instructor at my local dog training club, Melton Mowbray Dog Training Club were I only allow positive reinforcement training methods to be used in the classes I teach or assist in. I am a member of numerous positive reinforcement dog training groups on Facebook and admin a number. Promoting Force & Pain Free Motivational Methods for Working and Sport Dogs and Dog Training Advice and Support are two of the groups I help admin. Although I don’t personally work gun-dogs at this time, it is an area that i am interested in and remaining part of this group will help in both my own development and aid me in offering appropriate advice and direction to others who ask my help.
I agree to all terms and conditions of this group.
Kirsty says
I agree to the terms and conditions posted above. Kirstyfern watts-preou
Penny Hoare says
I have read and agree to all the terms of the group.
I believe whil heartedly that we need to help people to train their dogs using force free methods with no aversion or positive punishment.
Channing lee says
My Facebook name is Ninny Lee and I agree to all terms.
Ella Magg says
I’ve read, agree, accept, confirm and will follow the conditions for staying/joining the group mentioned above.
Thank You all for your very informative work. Lg Ella
Chris palmar says
Hi pippa we have an 8 month gsp that we are training as a gun dog and find this page invaluable as a resource and would love to continue being a member of the group. I can confirm that I agree to the following: I have read the information above
I am committed to the principles of positive reinforcement training and to the aims of the group
I will not promote the use of aversives to other group members
I have read and will abide by, the rules of the group (click to read)
I work or aspire to work my gundog in the shooting field, and/or to work through the Gundog Club’s Graded Training Scheme, and/or compete with my gundog in working tests, trials, or scurries. Kind regards, Chris Palmar
Jane ainscough says
I would like to stay in the group, I learn loads reading comments. I agree to all the listed terms.
Ruth Heston says
Hi Pippa,
I have read the above and fully agree to al the terms. I live in the eastern part of the US and had show bred English Cockers for 30 years. I competed in Conformation, Agility and the AKC hunt tests before getting my first field bred ECS (wcs) five years ago. She quickly gained her Master Hunter title and needs only a few more points to finish her FC. My young (19 months) male is training well and I think you would be pleased to see how many US trainers are coming over to the positive base here.
Rose Bate says
I am committed to positive dog training & strongly against aversives. I own gundogs and although I do not work them to the gun, I do train them for competitive obedience. I believe learning about positive training in different fields is valuable in training both my dogs & helping other train their dogs. I have read & will abide by the rules of the group.
Carolford says
I have read the information and conditions of the group membership and happy to accept them.
I am committed to the principle of positive reinforcement training. Carol Ford
Rebecca says
I have read the information above
I am committed to the principles of positive reinforcement training and to the aims of the group
I will not promote the use of aversives to other group members
I have read and will abide by, the rules of the group (click to read)
I work or aspire to work my gundog in the shooting field, and/or to work through the Gundog Club’s Graded Training Scheme, and/or compete with my gundog in working tests, trials, or scurries. Thank you Rebecca Mickleburgh
Amanda White says
I have read the information above
I am committed to the principles of positive reinforcement training and to the aims of the group
I will not promote the use of aversives to other group members
I have read and will abide by, the rules of the group
I am not a trainer; I am however a trustee of a dog rescue organisation that helps poundies and other dogs in need; we only place dogs in rescues that use positive training methods. I am also an admin of a force free/positive only dog training FB group of over 32,000 members, plus an admin of a FB group for working cocker spaniel owners. I would like to rejoin Positive Gundogs so that I can have access to recommendations for positive gundog trainers for our members (and for my rescue organisation if appropriate). I have already “found” Jonathan Roberts via your group and have been able to send members his way. He will vouch for me doing so I am sure.
Holly Jackie says
Hi Pippa
i have read all the information above and it all sounds great , i would love to stay a member of the group as there is always so much to learn !!
Pippa says
Hi Hollly, do you agree to the terms? Thanks
Holly Jackie says
Hi Pippa
Yes sorry i forgot to put that in my message !
I have read and agree all the terms
Katie McCormick says
I confirm the following:
I have read the information above
I am committed to the principles of positive reinforcement training and to the aims of the group
I will not promote the use of aversives to other group members
I have read and will abide by, the rules of the group (click to read)
I work or aspire to work my gundog in the shooting field, and/or to work through the Gundog Club’s Graded Training Scheme, and/or compete with my gundog in working tests, trials, or scurries.
Stephanie Shackleton says
Hi – I totally agree with the ethos of the group and am committed to positive training. Although I do not intend to work my dog I do intend to take him for gun dog training and would therefore like to remain a member of the group.
Ingrid sanders says
I have read the info, i would like to keep following this group and all the articles.
Pippa says
Hi Ingrid, do you agree to the terms?
Elizabeth Ball says
Hi, I would like to remain in the group. I am new to gundog training but myself and my rescue ESS are really benefitting from the knowledge and experience on this site. If accepted, I will just read for advice or ask the odd question. I would never advise or agree with anything that is aversive or detrimental to a dog. Thanks!
Louisa Golden says
I have read the conditions above and agree to abide by them. I am grateful for the positive gundog group and have enjoyed my participation so far. I live in the US and train a Labrador Retriever. I am expecting to add a puppy to my family soon. I look forward to starting my puppy with the principles I learn here and in the book.
In my opinion, this is the best gundog group on the internet. Thank you for all your efforts in this project.
Megan D'Souza-Mathew says
◾I have read the information above
◾I am committed to the principles of positive reinforcement training and to the aims of the group
◾I will not promote the use of aversives to other group members
◾I have read and will abide by, the rules of the group (click to read)
◾I work or aspire to work my gundog in the shooting field, and/or to work through the Gundog Club’s Graded Training Scheme, and/or compete with my gundog in working tests, trials, or scurries.
I have a clumber spaniel that I am training through positive methods and find the group a wonderful resource.
Hannu Kyllönen says
I’ve read, agree, accept, confirm and will follow the conditions for staying/joining the group mentioned above.
Janet Samuel says
I agree entirely on the use of positive reinforcement training. I don’t however work my dogs, so if it means I don’t meet the criteria to stay in the group I understand that. Having gun dogs though, I find the group a useful resource for general training ideas.
Becky Glover says
I agree! Please can you rejoin me!
Kobus le Roux says
I accept the terms and conditions wholeheartedly!
Keep up the fantastic work!
Kobus le Roux, Cape Town, South Africa
Sally Richardson says
Hi Pippa, I feel it’s a shame you’ve had to close a nice group and I worry that you will be blocking people who are the ones who need to be educated.
I have been training my own dogs for 15 years and teaching for 6. I have made up two field trial champions (golden retrievers) and am a kennel club B panel judge. I train as positively as I can though it is hard to be completely 100% at the level I am at which I freely admit to. My training and teaching is all clicker training and reward based. I don’t allow anyone in my lessons to use a slip lead until the dog understands walking to heel. i don’t allow any physical punishment at all.
I hope my experience can be a help to people wanting to compete and I hope I can be involved.
I agree to your terms and don’t contribute to any other groups.
Thank you.
Sue Reuss says
I agree to the group rules and would like to remain a member
Lynne Elliott says
Lynne Elliott
I have read the above article and agree to abide by the group’s rules.
Currently own 2 Golden Retrievers and compete in Retrieving Trials in Australia.
Have found this group to be a very valuable resource, have learned much and still have much to learn. Would like to continue the journey with this group.
Sara Seymour says
I would like to remain a member please. I have read and agree with the relevant conditions.
I currently work my older dog and am hoping to work my youngster next season. I will also be discussing working towards the GC tests with my trainer (Leanne) tomorrow. Thanks
Mike Armstrong says
I have read and agree to the above terms ,
Having owned and worked labs then spaniels for nearly 30 years I would probably be described as a traditional trainer but using positive methods unwittingly before learning about them .
You never stop learning and being part of this group assists in this .
Karen Caile says
I have read the information above
I am committed to the principles of positive reinforcement training and to the aims of the group
I will not promote the use of aversives to other group members
I have read and will abide by, the rules of the group
I own Large Munsterlanders and only use positive, force free training methods and find your group very valuable, I hope you will let me remain a member.
Sonia Skinner says
I have read the information above and agree to the conditions. I have learnt such a lot from this site. I am slightly concerned that making this a closed group will not spread the word of ‘positive training’. We may have people looking at the stie who are not positive trainers, but begin to see the benefits and their dogs then benefit and have a happier life. I have noticed even the ‘traditional’ gundog trainers are ‘softening’ and seeing there is a better way. I am sure this is due to a forum such as this. Slowly, slowly catchee monkey!
Julia brice says
I’m a strong believer in using positive methods for training my vizsla as she would not learn in any other way. So I fully support the methods in this group. I cannot work her as she is too gunshy but I am working on that and am also working on the Grades as we love gundog training. This group has been invaluable to me so I hope I can stay.
Jo Tully says
Agree with the terms and would like to remain in the group.
Stephen rowland says
I agree to the terms
Kirsty Oxby says
I agree to the terms laid out for the group. I Work full time as a training and behaviour consultant and trick trainer. I have a young WCS that I am aiming to work. Have done several clinics with Helen Phillips and went out on a few days this season.
Kelly Cordell-Morris says
I have read the information above
I am committed to the principles of positive reinforcement training and to the aims of the group
I will not promote the use of aversives to other group members
I have read and will abide by, the rules of the group
I work or aspire to work my gundog in the shooting field, and/or to work through the Gundog Club’s Graded Training Scheme, and/or compete with my gundog in working tests, trials, or scurries
Gill Jolly says
I have read all the terms and conditions and I confirm that I agree and accept them all. I currently have 2 springers.
One is a long term foster. He is never going to be a working gundog, but I am training him to hunt and retrieve. The other is my own dog. She is a rescue dog and I have trained her to work. She has done 4 seasons on a small local shoot, both beating and picking up.
I am totally committed to training using positive, kind and non aversive methods.
Lily Gilbert says
Hi Pippa, I have read the information above and am fully committed to the principles of positive reinforcement training and to the aims of the group. I am currently working my way through the Gundog Clubs Graded Training Scheme with my 1 and a half year old working cocker spaniel with the hope of working him when he is ready.
Linn Fordal-Thorvaldsn says
Hi Pippa
I am not a proffesional gun dog trainer. I own and train my first gun dog, a pointing dog and two cavalier spaniels.
I have read the group roules and agree with the terms:
I will not promote the use of aversives to other group members
I have read and will abide by, the rules of the group.
I work or aspire to work my gundog in the shooting field, and/or to work through the Gundog Club’s Graded Training Scheme, and/or compete with my gundog in working tests, trials, or scurries.
Helen Hartley says
I confirm the following
I have read the information above
I am committed to the principles of positive reinforcement training and to the aims of the group
I will not promote the use of aversives to other group members
I have read and will abide by, the rules of the group (click to read)
I work or aspire to work my gundog in the shooting field, and/or to work through the Gundog Club’s Graded Training Scheme, and/or compete with my gundog in working tests, trials, or scurries.
Nienke de Haan says
I have read and agree with the new rules and wish to be part of the Positive Gundogs community also in the future, to get advice and keep up my work on training my Epagneul Bleu de Picardy (Blue Picardy Spaniel).
Many thanks!
Nienke & Bras
Jennifer Jefferies says
I’ve read, and whole heartedly agree with the changes – an ethos all trainers should be abiding by
Jacky Strawbridge says
I find the help and support from this group to be second to none. I agree fully with the rules and to abide by them, as I hope I always have. I have three working spaniels, one retired, one still picking up and has competed in working tests, best place fourth and a few COMs. Also has his grade 4 spaniel award. One youngster learning the ropes but has completed a full season picking up. I use the suggestions here all the time and also pass them on to my more traditional trainers. The ones who accept and let me train in my way I continue with, the others I just pass on by. I hope this is the way forward for all gun dog training of the future.
Sally Sanford says
I’ve read and support the ethos and rules. I am an experienced successful gundog competitor with my dogs being exclusively clicker trained. I would like to be positively reinforced by being allowed to stay.
Nicola Farmiloe says
I agree with the terms and thoroughly look forward to being a part of the new group
Thank you Nic
Judith graham says
I have read and confirm my agreement to the conditions of belonging to the group. I wholeheartedly support the force free training of dogs and have found your Facebook page, the posts and replies invaluable in my training of my highly prey driven WCS.
Jess Allen says
My positively trained, happy, motivated gundogs and I agree to the terms!
Some Gundog groups can border on depressing sometimes, Positive Gundogs is refreshing and even when I’m not out with my own dogs I love seeing posts from other people progressing and enjoying their dogs knowing that it has been done with thought and kindness 🙂
Nicola Trickett says
Nicola Trickett
I have had working labs in the past and currently have a golden retrevier that is 18wks. Hoping she will take to gundogtrials trials and agity. I was brought up in ‘traditional methods’ but my partner uses force free and I’m converted – the relationship with their dog is brilliant. It can be a challenge not to slip back, but this group certainly helps.
I wholeheartedly agree and confirm that I have read the information and am committed to the principles of positive reinforcement training and to the aims of the group
I will not promote the use of aversives to other group members
I have read and will abide by, the rules of the group (click to read)
I work or aspire to work my gundog in the shooting field, and/or to work through the Gundog Club’s Graded Training Scheme, and/or compete with my gundog in working tests, trials, or scurries.
Sarah docherty says
I agree and would like to take this opportunity thank those who contribute. It’s very much appreciated and without your help and that of some good local training groups my ESS and I might not have reached our goals. Having just completed our second season. We are striving to get better, continue to train the books and group help with motivation and the right kind of advice – most of all we enjoy being a partnership that works and has fun together.
Mark says
Keen to join up!
Pippa says
Do you agree to the terms Mark?
Yvonne Mackender (Collins) says
I agree with the terms. I am DipCABT (Level 5), APDT 253 and Chair of the COAPE Association of Applied Pet Behaviourists and Trainers so totally fits my ethos. We currently have three working gundogs Yvonne
Helen Taylor CCAB says
I am a professional apbc behaviourist and am totally in agreement with the group ‘s ethos.
Lucy Slade says
Hi Pippa, I found this group following buying and reading your books and would like to be added to the new group. I agree with the new conditions.
Being disabled I do not currently compete or work my 10 month WCS cross bitch but we train her with positive reinforcement and always have done. In fact your books arrived before our puppy did. This is the way that I wish to continue to train her too and the group has been very useful to me even though I mainly just lurk!
Nikita Walker says
Agree with all of the above! Thank you
Elsa Blomster says
I’d like to rejoin the group and fully agree to the conditions and training methods.
Claire Newman Gunn says
I have read an agree with the rules of the group. I and now 13month lab have benefited so much from the knowledge on this group , would like to continue please.
Claire Newman Gunn
Jen Olson says
we hope our one year old standard poodle might be a gundog someday, and we believe in force free training. appreciate the resource. facebook name = Jen Olson
Tom Penders says
Michelle saupe says
I have read the above rules and agree to only discuss positive training methods in Facebook posts and the other stuff which is difficult to remember word for word once you have scrolled through a hundred messages to get to the comment box. I have only ever used positive training due to the fact that when I got my puppy I was lucky enough to happen upon the Labrador forum which led me to the total recall book which led me to the fb page . Any advice i give will be based on advice given to me on the facebook page. The journey through ruby s first year has been made all the more easier and fun with the help, tips and support of the positive gun dog Facebook page.
Paul Day says
I have read the information above
I am committed to the principles of positive reinforcement training and to the aims of the group
I will not promote the use of aversives to other group members
I have read and will abide by, the rules of the group (click to read)
I work or aspire to work my gundog in the shooting field, and/or to work through the Gundog Club’s Graded Training Scheme, and/or compete with my gundog in working tests, trials, or scurries
-Paul Day
Nige Gunn says
His Pippa
I have read the new conditions etc.
I am in complete agreement regarding the positive ethos and not promoting aversive methods.
I have a rescue show strain Cocker , so don’t intend to “work” him. I have, however bought The Gundog Club training guides – puppy & grades 1-3. The exercises are no less relevant to me or my dog. I’m quite proud of some of his whistle work – having overcome many “issues” including aggression, since Jake came into my life.
I was converted having bought your Total Recall some time back.
Jennifer Dugovich says
I would love to remain in this group. I have read the above conditions and agree. I am a positive trainer new to gundog training and love the discussions here for training my CCR.
Jennifer Dugovich
Jacqui O'Rourke says
I am totally supportive of the aims of this group. I don’t actively work my dogs at the moment, as i have a 12yro springer & a pointer cross. However, I plan to add a gundog puppy to my family in the future, and would want to train/work that pup in gundog work. I joined the group in order to learn whatever I can, before acquiring my next pup. I haven’t posted in the group, because I’m reading & learning. I would hope that I can remain a member of the group. Thanks
Richard millward says
Good idea. As you say there are lots of other General gundog forums or behavior forums so it will be good to refocus this one. I agree to the terms.
Lyne McFarlane says
Hi Pippa. I have read and agree with the terms of membership and the rules for training for this group. I live in New Zealand and have two lovely labs with I have alot of fun with trialing and hunting with. Its taken a while to find a group like this that has great ideas and support. I have really enjoyed reading the posts and have learnt alot. I appreciate the work that has gone into managing the site. Would love to continue being a member. Thanks. Cheers, Lyne
Phil Robinson says
Hi Pippa. I’m relatively new to gundog training and absolutely love the positive reinforcement method. I have read all the terms & conditions which I totally agree with. I’m looking forward to learning from you & other like minded trainers. Thanks for all your hard work.
Bridget Vincent says
My name is Bridget Vincent.
I train my ESS with positive reinforcement and without the use of aversives. I have learnt so much from Pippa and all the other trainers, reading the posts and watching the videos. I very much hope I can be allowed to rejoin the new group.
I have read the information above.
I am committed to the principles of positive reinforcement training and to the aims of the group.
I will not promote the use of aversives to other group members.
I have read and will abide by, the rules of the group.
Laraine Malvern says
Totally agree
Miriam de Groot says
Read and agree with the ethos of the group.
Marina gates fleming says
Marina gates fleming. I have read and totally agree with the terms of membership to this group. Aversive play no part in anything I teach to clients or when picking up with my dogs here in Belgium
Kassie says
have read the information above
I am committed to the principles of positive reinforcement training and to the aims of the group
I will not promote the use of aversives to other group members
I have read and will abide by, the rules of the group (click to read)
I work or aspire to work my gundog in the shooting field, and/or to work through the Gundog Club’s Graded Training Scheme, and/or compete with my gundog in working tests, trials, or scurries.
I am a positive dog trainer (IMDT)and studying to become a certified behaviourist (CCAB), I also have a working Lab and am trying to gundog train him positively with the use of the tips on this page.
Kassie Woods
Jenny Smith says
I agree with and comply with all the rules and ethos of this group. I learn a massive amount from it and whilst I do not work my 2 golden retrievers, they and I benefit from the hints and tips that I pick up along with way.
Catherine May says
I have read the information above
I am committed to the principles of positive reinforcement training and to the aims of the group
I will not promote the use of aversives to other group members
I have read and will abide by, the rules of the group
I work or aspire to work my gundog in the shooting field, and/or to work through the Gundog Club’s Graded Training Scheme, and/or compete with my gundog in working tests, trials, or scurries.
I first Clicker Trained a dog 17 years ago and became a convert to +R. I work one ESS and am currently bringing on her puppy, now 6 months. I’m hoping to do the Gundog Club Tests and trials with her. The Positive Gundogs group has some very generous and expert contributors whose opinions, knowledge and advice I really appreciate and find invaluable.
Michelle Bouchard says
Hi pippa,
I have also read your terms and conditions and would very much like to remain part of this group. I work 3 ESS and am following a program of positive reinforcement classes in jersey. Once completed we will then be working through the gundog graded scheme. Thanks for your efforts and contributions to this page
Rosie Whittaker says
I agree to the above terms and conditions
Melody Martin says
I totally agree with your methods of training, or would never have made the decision to buy all of your books, subscribe to your newsletters and also join your many pages and groups here on Facebook. I believe that the work that you are doing is purely scientific and completely effective. It is a very humane and correct manner of treating pets, especially dogs, to establish better communication with their beloved owners and vice verse. As a teacher myself, I am well aware of the use of positive re enforcement in education and to apply these techniques to our pets, is the proper and only method in my book for the correct methods of training our pups. I have complete admiration for the work that you do and I take it seriously . My two Labradors have profited greatly from the excellent information that you have provided me with, and taught me, so that I may teach them. I also follow many of your training videos on Youtube as well. I am a huge fan of your work.
H Julie Clayton says
I have read the information above
I am committed to the principles of positive reinforcement training and to the aims of the group
I will not promote the use of aversives to other group members
I have read and will abide by, the rules of the group (click to read)
I don’t work or aspire to work my gundog in the shooting field.
I have a somewhat vague plan to work through the Gundog Club’s Graded Training Scheme – but that depends on the health of my dog.
I don’t compete with my gundog in working tests, trials, or scurries.
Katrin Junge says
Hi Pippa, I totally agree with your terms of membership in this group, although I am currently not able to train a lot or participate in working tests with my two labs.
I live in Florida and find it rather difficult to find the appropiate training group that uses positive reinforcement.
I hope, you are still let me join the group.
I always chose trainers , that used positive reinforcement and would never consider anything else for my dogs.
Your group was always very helpful to me just by reading the posts.
As of my lack of experience though, I did not feel that I should give advice, I leave that to the more experienced dog handlers.
Katrin Junge
Anne Lewitt says
I totally agree with what you’re doing and with the ethos and rules of the group. I am trying to train my Golden Retriever using positive methods and have learned a huge amount from this group, so I hope you’ll let me rejoin. Thanks.
Jacqui Smith says
Hi Pippa, I confirm I subscribe to the ethos of the group, and will abide to the rules of the group, and although not actively engaged in gundog work, would like to be admitted back to the group to enhance my knowledge of positive training. (I will probably still continue as a lurker though)
Becky White says
I confirm the following
Hello, I can confirm I have read the information above and I am committed to the principles of positive reinforcement training and to the aims of the group. I will not promote the use of aversives to other group members. I have read and will abide by the rules of the group.
My spaniel/lab cross is a pet and I don’t intend to work him, however he is from working lines and we’re really enjoying gundog classes (with a positive reward based trainer) and may one day even pass a grade or two in the training scheme! I find the posts in this group really useful and would like to remain a member.
Hannah Chapman
Gillian Carter says
I have read and agree to the terms and ethos of the group. Looking forward to learning more positive training techniques from your lovely group.
Zena Churchward says
I agree with the rules. My gundogs are trained using Positive Reinforcement only.
Kim Laird says
Kim Laird, and I’m kim.laird.18 on Facebook. I have read the essay you posted and agree completely. I am very close to being purely positive and would love to be completely positive. I’m working on it and on my old habits. I have yet to train a gun dog to hunt, and would love to do so, as Rosy is hugely intense about it and loved her first pigeon. She was thrilled. She’s not a girl you need to punish to get to do what you want, she needs to understand what you want and she will do it to the best of her ability. One of the most biddable girls I’ve ever had.
Joanne frame says
Thankyou Pippas for taking the time to do this. I can confirm I would like to remain on the group having read your information, using positive training methods to work with my hounds and lab in fieldwork. Thankyou Joanne frame
Loni Coleman says
I wholeheartedly agree with these changes and completely support positive training and the aims of this group. I am so happy to have found it.
I confirm that:
I have read the information above
I am committed to the principles of positive reinforcement training and to the aims of the group
I will not promote the use of aversives to other group members
I have read and will abide by, the rules of the group (click to read)
I work or aspire to work my gundog in working tests, trials, or scurries.
Kerry Gourlay says
Hi have read and am happy with the t&c’s as is my husband. Both train our black lab with Clicker Gundogs
Kerry Gourlay & Richard Gourlay
Read more than contribute.
Penny Craig says
I hope you will accept me to your new group?
Pippa says
Can you confirm you agree to the terms above Penny?
Penny Craig says
Yes, I have read through your post and terms and happily agree to them?
Kerry Flamank says
Dear Pippa,
I have read the above and agree to abide by the conditions.
I was introduced to the world of gundogs just 5 years ago and firmly believe in positive reinforcement training. I have only undertaken training from those with the same ethos. I’d like to remain in this group for the valuable advice available to help me train my dogs. I enjoy picking up with my Labradors and taking part in working tests.
Nicky Hunt says
I’ve read all the above and absolutely agree.
I confirm the following
I am committed to the principles of positive reinforcement training and to the aims of the group
I will not promote the use of aversives to other group members
I have read and will abide by, the rules of the group (click to read)
I work or aspire to work my gundog in the shooting field, and/or to work through the Gundog Club’s Graded Training Scheme, and/or compete with my gundog in working tests, trials, or scurries.
Richard Hyde says
To be honest I was a fairly late convert to force free training after having spent many years using what would be called traditional methods. I never used fear or aggression to train a dog but I realise now that many traditional methods are counter productive, sometimes they have achieved the required results but you could never be sure on any detrimental effects. For around 6 years now I’ve only used force free principles when training and have achieved some splendid results and probably understand more of a dog’s psychology make up than ever before. Therefore I Richard Hyde are happy to declare that: I have read the information above
I am committed to the principles of positive reinforcement training and to the aims of the group
I will not promote the use of aversives to other group members
I have read and will abide by, the rules of the group (click to read)
I work or aspire to work my gundog in the shooting field, and/or to work through the Gundog Club’s Graded Training Scheme, and/or compete with my gundog in working tests, trials, or scurries.
Brandon Miller says
Pippa, I fully accept the terms of the new group. I am stuck in the US with a shortage of positive trainers, especially with gun dogs. I find the info on the site very helpful. I am a 100% positive motivation trainer teaching classes on a weekly basis. Thanks for what you guys do.
Mairin Gray says
I have read carefully, understand, and agree with the conditions of membership for this group. I have a one year old female Labrador and although I have never posted a question or a comment I have a delightful, happy, dog who is keen to do as she is asked and I would be very sad to lose contact with Pippa and the group who have played a significant part in achieving this! Thank you and I hope I can stay! Facebook name is Mairin Gray
Many thanks for all your hard work in keeping this Facebook Group a reliable source of current, positive, extremely helpful information for ordinary people like me who are trying to do the best by their chosen working bred dog.
Brandon Lewis says
I have read and agree to the group rules. I have Cockers and train for Gun Work using positive methods and would like to continue to educate myself on ways to overcome obstacles when they arise.
JV Dunning says
Thank you guys for your commitment to keeping the group more focused. I’ve been reading the group posts less because it has felt like more of the conversation ends up a debate about whether to use an aversive method on a positive reinforcement group. It is the same with other groups too. it seems like if you subscribe to science based training methods all you ever do is spend time explaining how it actually works to people who never spent the time to really give it a try and just default to aversives. After a while you just feel like a record on repeat. JV Dunning on facebook.
Gemma Mogridge says
I agree to the terms and ethos of the group
Mandy Dunn says
I have read, understand and agree to the new rules / terms of the group. I think it’s a great idea. I am a positive trainer with 2 GSP’s and a Lab and working in the field.
Lena Bonekamp says
Hello, I am still a newcomer to the gundog world but I want to learn about force free training. I have already learned a lot through this group and would be very keen to continue learning through this forum. I have read and agree to the conditions of entry. Many thanks, Lena
Jenn Hauta says
Excellent! I applaud your commitment, and agree to abide by the rules and have read the updated terms
Kerry Barnard says
Kerry Barnard – I used to use only positive methods when training my collies for obedience, some how things changed when I changed disciplines. My 2 year old labrador has reminded me how things should be and we are progressing so much better now. I want to learn more so that I can continue to help my own dogs and the people I train.
Michellen Ralph says
I can confirm the following
I have read the information above
I am committed to the principles of positive reinforcement training and to the aims of the group
I will not promote the use of aversives to other group members
I have read and will abide by, the rules of the group (click to read)
I work or aspire to work my gundog in the shooting field, and/or to work through the Gundog Club’s Graded Training Scheme, and/or compete with my gundog in working tests, trials, or scurries.
Lisa Phillips says
Hi all.
I agree with all the conditions.
I am a +R trainer and as yet un gun dog trained Lab. I am really interested in the gundog world transitioning to kinder methods. Please don’t delete me.
Lisa Stewart Phillips
Jay Elcock says
I (Jay Elcock) have read the information above.
I am committed to the principles of positive reinforcement training and to the aims of the group.
I will not promote the use of aversives to other group members.
I have read and will abide by, the rules of the group.
I work my gundog in the shooting field, and in the future would like to compete with my gundog in working tests, trials, or scurries.
Samantha Dillard says
Hi –
I have read the above information, and agree to abide by the revised rules and guidelines of the group.
Kerry Harris says
I have read and agree with the terms
Kerry Harris
Becky Harding says
I accept the conditions and agree with them. Found some of the posts really quite helpful!
I can’t however find the group to rejoin?
Becky Harding says
I appear to be able to see the group again so have requested to rejoin!
Beverley Cowdell says
I am a newcomer to gundog training and more of a follower than contributor to the group, however I wholeheartedly agree with positive training and have done for some time and am delighted that it is now becoming more mainstream. I should like to remain a member as I find some of the threads really helpful, but can quite understand if I don’t come up to the criteria.
tricia draper says
I would like to stay , I will follow the guidelines
Matthew Bickley says
I don’t agree with blocking people from reading the posts, how will you educate outsiders? I have messaged pippa twice with no reply. I agree with the restructure and its reasoning.
Lucy says
Hi Matthew, Positive Gundogs is a closed group on Facebook and as such the posts within it have always been private. Private groups allow people to converse within a desired community section without being watched by those who are not related to it. People who are interested can read the group description as with all private Facebook groups and request to become members, as described in the article above. Hope this clears things up for you. Lucy.
Pippa says
Hi Matthew, I have not received any messages from you. 🙁
Michelle Aspin says
Read and confirmed
Lisa clements says
Lisa clements, i agree to abide by rules and terms of the group. We have recently moved to positive training methods and the progress has been amazing, including our first successful season picking up and entering our first test this summer.
Nichole says
WOW! So happy to see the positive movement gaining momentum in an “old school” sport. Raising my boys to use positive reinforcement training for their first gun dogs. Nichole Crossley (nikki nead) on FB training at Home Dawg Education LLC in Idaho
Hannah Chapman says
I confirm the following
I have read the information aboveI am committed to the principles of positive reinforcement training and to the aims of the groupI will not promote the use of aversives to other group membersI have read and will abide by, the rules of the group (click to readI work or aspire to work my gundog in the shooting field, and/or to work through the Gundog Club’s Graded Training Scheme, and/or compete with my gundog in working tests, trials, or scurries.
Hannah Chapman
Sandy Adams says
Yes, I totally agree with your principles of force-free, positive training and want to make them a priority of my training as well.
Pamela Johnson says
Hi pippa. Agree entirely with the reasons behind restructuring. Whilst I am not a trainer I have a wonderful 10 month springer that we hope to train using positive methods. I don’t really contribute to the page but Really get a huge amount of help from others and also Total Recall has been a great help! Would love to be accepted but understand if you feel I’m not suitable. Best wishes. Pamela Johnson.
Stephen Parry says
I agree with the details of the group 2016 restructure and group rules. I have working Clumber Spaniel who is 2. I am not a professional dog trainer and although rarely post in this group have found the promoted techniques extremely helpful in my endeavour to train by positive methods only. I wish to rejoin the group and continue to utilise the resource it provides.
Marion Hanman says
I confirm that I have read the information above
I am committed to the principles of positive reinforcement training and to the aims of the group
I will not promote the use of aversives to other group members
I have read and will abide by, the rules of the group (click to read)
I work or aspire to work my gundog in the shooting field, and/or to work through the Gundog Club’s Graded Training Scheme, and/or compete with my gundog in working tests, trials, or scurries.
I stumbled across clicker training and Positive Gundogs last year and so relieved to find another way to train our 3rd Golden Retriever. It just makes sense. I read your books, watched all the videos on the group which are so good. Also had help from Leanne and am continuing along this road of discovery! Thank you for all your efforts with administering the site.
Michael Harrison says
I have read the above and happy to abide. Michael ‘Jon’ Harrison. I have my first spaniel and have struggled as I believe we don’t have a very strong bond. Recall is good and he does ignore other dogs when hunting, on lead and in the house is a different matter. I am currently using clicker training.
Marion moffatt says
Dear pippa
I agree to all your conditions and applaud your efforts in educating us all. I frequently mention your name and especially your book total recall when meeting some poor owner of a pet gundog that they don’t know how to control. I would really love to remain a part of the group even though I’m more someone who aspires to be an aspiring gundog owner (Benji is a pet but I’m using as many of the gundog training methods as I can – a WCS loves to be kept busy!)
Sarah Bradford says
I totally agree with the aims of this group and would like to become a member please.
Many thanks
Sarah Bradford
Melissa Blazak says
Melissa Blazak. I have read all and agree. I live in Ontario Canada and my Standard Poodle has titles in obedience, rally obedience, dock diving, a Junior Hunter title and Working titles through the Canadian Kennel Club (hunt test work) and we play in a bunch of other things. Currently we are trying nose work and weight pull…..everything is taught with positive reinforcement and force free. Love it. A better trainer than me would do a much better job……field just takes too much time and the distances to travel are far for training and I love all the different sports we do and don’t want to give any up. I do want to get back to some basic field training because he loves it. It is amazing how great some of the poodles can be. Unfortunately the e-collar culture in North America makes finding help for problems without using force very difficult. Even if you find a group to train with you are usually the only one not using a collar, a heeling stick, feeding your dog treats, using a clicker, etc. Even people who do believe in clicker and positive reinforcement for puppies still believe eventually a collar and Force Fetch is needed. I do believe it can be done but the time and patience required compared to traditional training is great. The average performance dog trainer has drifted to agility and other fun sports where the benefits of positive training are easily see and much help is to be had.
Will look forward to the new group.
Melissa and Rudy (Versatile Poodle)
Natalie preen says
I totally agree with the goals and ethos of this group
Lisa PalmerWilcox says
I have read the information above & agree to the terms. Love this site. I am a positive trainer & actively taking positive gun dog training
Lisa Palmer Wilcox
Pippa says
Hi Lisa, can you press the join button again please – many thanks
Mike Mountford says
I confirm that:
I have read the information above
I am committed to the principles of positive reinforcement training and to the aims of the group
I will not promote the use of aversives to other group members
I have read and will abide by, the rules of the group (click to read)
I work or aspire to work my gundog in the shooting field, and/or to work through the Gundog Club’s Graded Training Scheme, and/or compete with my gundog in working tests, trials, or scurries.
Elin Karlsson says
I agree with the rules and meet the requirements to join the group.
Sonja says
Hi, whilst ours is a pet gun dog spaniel we would very much like to stay in this group as once we have a calmer focused dog we would be interested in attempting the grades. We have always chosen positive reinforcement for our dog and are committed to force free training with him
Pippa says
Hi Sonja, I need your second name 🙂
Barbara Brown says
This is Sonja Bierton Pippa. I’ve just confirmed via PM
Kimberly Kabatoff says
I have a 9-month old lab from a working line that I plan to hunt with and hope to achieve enough precision to at least earn a Junior Hunter title (I’m in Canada). Having rejected (and been rejected by) local gundog trainers because I only want to use force-free methods (“Good luck with that”, I’ve been told) and being an inexperienced trainer since this is my first dog, I have found this group invaluable and wish to remain a member.
I confirm that:
I have read the information above
I am committed to the principles of positive reinforcement training and to the aims of the group
I will not promote the use of aversives to other group members
I have read and will abide by, the rules of the group
Mark Cuthbert-Brown says
I’m with you completely in terms of principles and aspirations – and keen to continue learning from you.
Kristina Odström says
I agree with everything in the text above and would like to rejoin this group. ☺
Maddy Bowman says
I have read the information above
I am committed to the principles of positive reinforcement training and to the aims of the group
I will not promote the use of aversives to other group members
I have read and will abide by, the rules of the group
I aspire to work my gundog in the shooting field, and to work through the Gundog Club’s Graded Training Scheme (Pyrrha has achieved Grade Two so far), and compete with my gundog in working tests and hopefully trials.
Andrew Telford says
I agree to support the ethos of the group, adhere to it’s principles, and follow the rules.
Rob Wilde says
Hi Pippa.
I have read and fully understand the condititions associated with been a member and wholeheartedly agree with them. My ESS is now 10 months and coming along really well using reward based training with advice from your book and with the help of one of your recommended trainers.
Fiona Joint says
I confirm the following
I have read the information above
I am committed to the principles of positive reinforcement training and to the aims of the group
I will not promote the use of aversives to other group members
I have read and will abide by, the rules of the group (click to read)
I work or aspire to work my gundog in the shooting field, and field trials.
I have found the articles and videos extremely helpful and would be sad not to be able to rejoin.
Steve fielder says
I have read and understand the information contained in the statement.
I am committed to the principles of positive reinforcement training and to the aims of the group
I will not promote the use of aversives to other group members
I have read and will abide by, the rules of the group (click to read)
I work my gundog in the shooting field, and/or to work through the Gundog Club’s Graded Training Scheme, and/or compete with my gundog in working tests, trials, or scurries.
Linda Conrad says
I agree with all of the conditions of membership to the new group. Glad the shift is being made. I’m a Flat-Coat breeder/owner and have been very discouraged about field work with my personal dogs due to being unable to find a positive reinforcement training group to work with. The Positive Gundog FB Group has been very valuable to me. (Facebook name is Linda Clark Conrad)
Tanja Ellerbrock says
I accept the new conditions and would like to be included in the new group!
Tanja Ellerbrock
Dorit Vanderwilden says
I completely agree with the principles of positive reinforcement training and with the aims of the group. I’m in the USA. I have a very talented Show bred Eng. Cocker who has earned his Advanced Master Hunter title. I also have WCS youngster who is just about ready to enter his first Hunt Tests and has the drive and talent to go on to Field Trials.
I would like to rejoin this group.
Yvonne Dyck says
I have read the information above.
I am committed to the principles of positive reinforcement training and to the aims of the group.
I do not and will not promote the use of aversives to other group members. I promote positive reinforcement methods to all my friends and family who own dogs.
I have read and will abide by the rules of the group.
I work or aspire to work my dogs in the shooting field, and/or compete with my Labrador Retrievers in working tests and trials.
Claire Brand says
Hi Pippa
Whole heartedly agree. I have a 8 month old ESS who is very very sensitive and nervous. I really want to do the gundog club tests and have just today contacted someone about this, however I am keen to use a clicker. I have done a basic obedience course with a local ADPT trainer and my pup absolutely thrives and loves the clicker work. Unfortunately I’m struggling to find a clicker gundog trainer in Kent. I am however prepared to travel for the right training. Something regular would be great but am also thinking about residential courses perhaps. Any suggestions would be very much appreciated.
Anyway, have your puppy and total recall books. Love this website and find the Facebook group invaluable.
Many thanks
Claire Brand
(My profile picture is me, hubby and two small people)
Claire Brand says
I confirm the following
I have read the information above
I am committed to the principles of positive reinforcement training and to the aims of the group
I will not promote the use of aversives to other group members
I have read and will abide by, the rules of the group (click to read)
I work or aspire to work my gundog in the shooting field, and/or to work through the Gundog Club’s Graded Training Scheme, and/or compete with my gundog in working tests, trials, or scurries.
Also it turns out you can teach old dogs new tricks – my 10 year old greyhound also loves clicker training!
Pippa says
Hi Claire, can you click the join button please, I think I have deleted you and Facebook won’t let me add you back in – Thanks! 🙂
Andrea Bogle says
I confirm the following:
I have read the information above
I am committed to the principles of positive reinforcement training and to the aims of the group
I will not promote the use of aversives to other group members
I have read and will abide by, the rules of the group (click to read)
I work or aspire to work my gundog in the shooting field, and/or to work through the Gundog Club’s Graded Training Scheme, and/or compete with my gundog in working tests, trials, or scurries.
Helen Laskey says
I confirm that I have read all of the above and agree completely. I am training my 8mth old Lab with a wonderful positive trainer I found through this page. And have one very happy dog. Thank you. I would love to continue being a member.
helen louise cripps says
I have trained gundogs (and other dogs) for many years. Many of those years were under the regime of punishment for ‘bad’ behaviour. I have become disillusioned with these methods of training as I found them to be ineffective, quite tiring and unsatisfactory for me personally. I have read Pippa’s books and have been very impressed with the ethos of her training. They have filled me with a new enthusiasm, and I am now introducing the positive training methods for my own and others dogs. I am now enjoying training sessions much more and I believe my dogs are as well. I am a recent member of this group but I read the info put out with interest and a desire to try them out. Please allow me to remain a part of the group, it is one of the most useful groups I belong to.
Lisa Dugdale says
I fully agree with the restructuring and would very much like to remain a member of this group. I have an Irish Water Spaniel who I train under the instruction of Helen Phillips and under Helen’s mentoring we have passed our Gundog Club Grade 2. We aim to sit our grade 3 this summer. My dog and I have started working on the Madresfield Estate near Malvern picking up.
I hereby confirm:
I have read the information above
I am committed to the principles of positive reinforcement training and to the aims of the group
I will not promote the use of aversives to other group members
I have read and will abide by, the rules of the group
I work my gundog in the shooting field, and currently working through the Gundog Club’s Graded Training Scheme
Thank you,
Graham Allison says
I’m happy with the new requirements of the group, which I think is a good move to keep the notion of positive gun dogs and force free training as the driver for its members. I find the help and guidance really useful and hope to continue to enjoy this in the restructured group which I have been following with great interest. I use force free with my 3 dogs and would like to do more with them, but I am a little restricted due to my own health issues. Hopefully the group will be better and even more focused as it goes forward.
Judy Gardner says
Dear Pippa
I confirm the following
◾I have read the information above
◾I am committed to the principles of positive reinforcement training and to the aims of the group
◾I will not promote the use of aversives to other group members
◾I have read and will abide by, the rules of the group (click to read)
◾I work or aspire to work my gundog in the shooting field, and/or to work through the Gundog Club’s Graded Training Scheme, and/or compete with my gundog in working tests, trials, or scurries.
I would like to re-join The Positive Gundogs Group, I am only a recent member but already find many articles and comments very helpful and re-assuring . My dogs in the past both working and pet labs have been fairly easy, but now I provide “day care” for my daughters dog so it is very important we are doing the same things and you guessed it … Stanley is a 8 month old Springer Spaniel!!
Leigh Laviolette says
I have read and agree to abide by the conditions listed above. I have a working type lab, but I don’t think I will be able to shoot with him (incredibly noise sensitive) but I still like to train him using his natural tendencies and so this group is invaluable to me! I also work with dogs as a trainer, and it is always good practice to make myself aware of aware variety of disciplines. I hope this is okay!
Kind Regards,
Leigh Laviolette (fb name)
Rebecca Bye says
I agree with the rules. My dogs I do gundog training with have only ever been trained using Positive Reinforcement. I do all my training with Helen Phillips & work my dog on a shoot with her too.
Fiona Lovett says
Hi Pippa, may I stay? :o)
I have read the information above
I am committed to the principles of positive reinforcement training and to the aims of the group
I will not promote the use of aversives to other group members
I have read and will abide by, the rules of the group (click to read)
I work or aspire to work my gundog in the shooting field, and/or to work through the Gundog Club’s Graded Training Scheme, and/or compete with my gundog in working tests, trials, or scurries.
Bev Boughton says
I have found value in being a member of this group and would very much like to continue. I fully support positive reinforcement training and would not wish to give or receive advice on aversive methods. However, I am not in a position to commit to an aim of participating in shoots or tests. My Springer, Ozzy, is a particularly difficult rescue. If I can get him to be a halfway normal pet, then I will have achieved my life’s work. My aim is to get him into any dog sport or dog activity he can cope with (which may not include working to the gun but definitely includes training the same range of behaviours and skills). I have experience in clicker training in obedience, working trials, agility, heelwork to music and scentwork, and would hope to be able to bring suggestions to the group as well as learn from experienced gundog trainers. I hope you will consider me as an appropriate member.
Barbara Brown says
I confirm that:
I have read the information above
I am committed to the principles of positive reinforcement training and to the aims of the group
I will not promote the use of aversives to other group members
I have read and will abide by, the rules of the group (click to read)
I work or aspire to work my gundog in the shooting field, and/or to work through the Gundog Club’s Graded Training Scheme, and/or compete with my gundog in working tests, trials, or scurries.
Ute says
Absolutely agree to the rules and will stick to them. Totally understand the re-structuring and hope I will be allowed to rejoin the group. Like so many others here I am constantly trying to change mindsets and habits of “a lifetime” at the various shoots I pick up at as well as in everyday life. I have seen small moves in the right direction which make me feel good about my own commitment to positive gundog training and just wish this continues!
Maxi Gradewald says
Hi, though I am not very active in the group, I have benefitted a lot from reading posts and comments, and watching the videos that are in the files sector. I am a dog trainer in Namibia – only Obedience I am afraid (together with Agility the only Dog Sport that is offered in this country). I am absolutely convinced of non-aversive training methods and would like to stay in the group for further learning and being taught positive approach of training dogs. In Namibia, positive dog training is not very well known, and there are only few who offer it (it is more the traditional way that people choose here). I wholeheartedly agree to the rules and I confirm all your points in the last chapter – only that I do not work with my lab in the field, or in any gun dog club. I only go for Obedience competitions with him…if that isn’t sufficient to stay in the group I will accept it with sorrow, but I do hope to be allowed to rejoin.
Rebecca Gardner says
I have read and agree to the new rules. I have an 8mth old springer spaniel and am eternally grateful for the advice on this forum and the confidence that it has given me with his training.
Fiona Turton says
Entirely appropriate . As a COAPE behaviourist the conditions are perfect .
Gemma Walmsley says
I accept these conditions and would like to be included in the new group please.
Gemma Walmsley
Val Emms says
I confirm that I have read and agree with your aims. I do compete in working tests . My face book name is Val Weaver
Ulf Andersson says
i would like to rejoin the positiv gundog Group
Fergie johnston says
Hi pippa, totally agree with the changes in the group to
Move it forward. I am a newcomer to the gundog world and have a one year old lab which is my first dog and force free is the only acceptable method for me. The group helps me with gaining important knowledge and I would like to remain part of it. Regards, fergie Johnston
Stephanie Day says
Stephanie Day
Fully support restructuring!
Sue watkins says
I’m more than happy to abide by the rules and ethos of the group
Ruth Simpson says
Dear Pippa,
I have read and agree with the guidelines above and am very happy to accept them. I am not a professional dog trainer but I do work my two labs and a lab X springer as picking up dogs. The training and handling methods of some gundog handlers (and some pet dog owners) worry me. I used to pick up on some shoots with very competitive handlers with some very harsh methods and cringing dogs, and would get scoffed at when I pulled out my hot dog sausages and rewarded an appropriate behaviour, or if I refused to try their “better” methods. This group has been so valuable to keep reinforcing (positively!) to me that I am on the right track. I don’t contribute much to the group in terms of advice as I think there are more experienced people in the group who could give a better answer. Having said that, in my former life, I lectured in Animal Behaviour, including livestock, companion and equine behaviour, taught practical equitation and equitation science and also have a Masters in Companion Animal Behaviour. I am always looking to further my knowledge on these subjects, particularly in application to a practical setting.
Many thanks,
Aino-Maija Laitinen says
I have read and agree with the new rules and wish to be part of the Positive Gundogs community also in the future, to get advice and keep up my work on training my curly coated retriever towards hunting trials.
Marie Maynard says
Hello Pippa, I gladly confirm that
I have read the information above
I am committed to the principles of positive reinforcement training and to the aims of the group
I will not promote the use of aversives to other group members
I have read and will abide by, the rules of the group (click to read)
I aspire to work through the Gundog Club’s Graded Training Scheme, and compete with my gundog in working tests
Greetings from Switzerland!
Yvonne Cooper says
I have learnt so much from this group and I am keen to rejoin. The new regulations sound very reasonable.
Jonathan Roberts says
I agree with and an happy to adhere to the conditions of entry to the group and wish to rejoin
Keith Wain says
All sounds perfectly reasonable and move that I totally agree with.
I have read the information above
I am committed to the principles of positive reinforcement training and to the aims of the group
I will not promote the use of aversives to other group members
I have read and will abide by, the rules of the group (click to read)
I work or aspire to work my gundog in the shooting field, and/or to work through the Gundog Club’s Graded Training Scheme, and/or compete with my gundog in working tests, trials, or scurries.
Charlotte Harmer says
Hi Pippa, I have read and agree with the information above and membership rules. I am a positive reinforcement trainer who wants to be able to understand the use of +R in highly distracting environments. I have to admit though that I myself own miniature schnauzers so we are not aiming to go through the working tests etc; however, many of my clients own gundog breeds and are tempted to go to their local more aversive trainers. I’d like to be able to understand more of positive reinforcement in the gundog world to help these people. I do of course understand if you feel this group is not the right place for me 🙂
Pippa says
Hi Charlotte, that sounds fine 🙂
Charlotte Harmer says
Thank you so much Pippa 🙂
Tina says
Hi, I have read the information and conditions of group membership and am very happy to accept them. I am committed to the principles of positive reinforcement training and to the aims of the group. I will not promote the use of aversives to other group members. I have read and will abide by, the rules of the group.I work or aspire to work my gundog in the shooting field, and/or to work through the Gundog Club’s Graded Training Scheme, and/or compete with my gundog in working tests, trials, or scurries.
Aspiring and working towards! If we get there, it will only be as a result of Pippa and this fantastic group, particularly for giving us confidence and realigning us after an unsuccessful ‘traditional’ start. Huge thanks as always to Pippa, Jo, Jan, Leanne and Barbara! 🙂
Sue Weeden says
I totally agree with the aims of this group and would very much like to become a member please.
Many thanks
Sue Weeden
Janice Tall says
I agree with the principles of positive reinforcement training and agree with the membership rules. I also hope to be able to work my dog sometime in the future and as such I travel for over an hour to get help from a positive gundog trainer (Leanne Smith). I find that the group gives me the confidence to keep going with the approach I have decided to take to train my dog.
pete bolton says
I have read the information above
I am committed to the principles of positive reinforcement training and to the aims of the group
I will not promote the use of aversives to other group members
I have read and will abide by, the rules of the group (click to read)
I work or aspire to work my gundog in the shooting field, and/or to work through the Gundog Club’s Graded Training Scheme, and/or compete with my gundog in working tests, trials, or scurries.
Mary says
I am a dog trainer in my area that uses force free methods I joined your group because I want to learn about the different sports in dog training and how they can be taught using positive reinforcement. I hope you let me stay in your group after the purge. I am Leif Mary Moritz on Facebook
Kaisa Kivipelto says
My name is Kaisa Kivipelto, and I have recently joined the group. I would like to be a member of the group in the future as well, as I train my weimaraner with positive reinforcement and without the use of aversives. We hunt and participate in trials in Finland.
I have read the information above
I am committed to the principles of positive reinforcement training and to the aims of the group
I will not promote the use of aversives to other group members
I have read and will abide by, the rules of the group (click to read)
I work or aspire to work my gundog in the shooting field, and/or to work through the Gundog Club’s Graded Training Scheme, and/or compete with my gundog in working tests, trials, or scurries.
Dagmar Lukas says
i would like to rejoin the positiv gundog Group and i confirm that:
◾I have read the information above
◾I am committed to the principles of positive reinforcement training and to the aims of the group
◾I will not promote the use of aversives to other group members
◾I have read and will abide by, the rules of the group (click to read)
◾I work or aspire to work my gundog in the shooting field, and/or to work through the Gundog Club’s Graded Training Scheme, and/or compete with my gundog in working tests, trials, or scurries.
Angela Watson says
Sorry I was on my phone and couldn’t post in this to my previous comment:
I confirm the following
I have read the information above
I am committed to the principles of positive reinforcement training and to the aims of the group
I will not promote the use of aversives to other group members
I have read and will abide by, the rules of the group (click to read)
I work or aspire to work my gundog in the shooting field, and/or to work through the Gundog Club’s Graded Training Scheme, and/or compete with my gundog in working tests, trials, or scurries.
Gary Martin says
Gary Martin
I have read the terms and fully support the ethos and aims if the group totally . Both my wife andi are, and promote force free and motivational training. Have seen way too many incidents of training practices that appall me.
All the very best with the restructure
Agnes Meiling says
It all sounds very reasonable. Thank you for doing all the work needed to keep this fantastic group going.
Agnes Meiling
Agnes Meiling says
I have read the information above
I am committed to the principles of positive reinforcement training and to the aims of the group
I will not promote the use of aversives to other group members
I have read and will abide by, the rules of the group (click to read)
I work or aspire to work my gundog in the shooting field, and/or to work through the Gundog Club’s Graded Training Scheme, and/or compete with my gundog in working tests, trials, or scurries.
Angela Watson says
Can totally understand and applaud your reasons for this … What a time consuming task for you all , I’m not obviously active in the group but am always there reading so i would love to still be included ….
Des Thomas says
I have read the information above
I am committed to the principles of positive reinforcement training and to the aims of the group
I will not promote the use of aversives to other group members
I have read and will abide by, the rules of the group (click to read)
I work or aspire to work my gundog in the shooting field, and/or to work through the Gundog Club’s Graded Training Scheme, and/or compete with my gundog in working tests, trials, or scurries.
Bella Kennett says
All sounds fair and sensible.
Gill Vlahovic says
Dear Pippa. I have read through all your conditions for entry to the new group and confirm that I wholeheartedly agree with them and will abide by them. I own three HWVs and one of them has a Gundog Grade 2 Distinction but would love to go further. I have an 8.5 month old puppy who, once he has calmed down (and I go to a positive trainer with him) I hope to commence training in gundog skills. My elderly bitch is only a pet but I would never condone harsh treatment on any of my dogs. I have been to some traditional trainers and the one I go to now, although traditional, is not at all harsh. Look forward to being able to join the new group.
James Bickers says
I have read the information above
I am committed to the principles of positive reinforcement training and to the aims of the group
I will not promote the use of aversives to other group members
I have read and will abide by, the rules of the group (click to read)
I work or aspire to work my gundog in the shooting field, and/or to work through the Gundog Club’s Graded Training Scheme, and/or compete with my gundog in working tests, trials, or scurries.
I am new to the group and for someone with a challenging spaniel this has been the most valuable resource I’ve ever found. He’s made huge improvements in just a few days and I am enjoying him more each day.