People get into gundog work from all sorts of different directions. Some book a working puppy and have it all planned out in advance. But many just happen upon gundog work because a friend works … [Read more...]
Gunshy dog: can it ever be cured?
Missing out? Click here to get my new articles delivered to you It is often said that truly gunshy dog can never be cured. It is a bit of a catch 22, because if you say you have cured a gunshy … [Read more...]
Gundog tests and pedigree papers
I read the Shooting Times over coffee this morning, and one particular item in the letters column caught my eye. How lovely it was to read of the person that had adopted a working springer called … [Read more...]
Delivery problems: playing ‘keep away’
[wp_ad_camp_2]It does not matter how good your dog is at finding game if he will not bring it back. And having brought it back he needs to complete the process and hand it over! Achieving this … [Read more...]
Hunting versus heelwork for spaniels
[wp_ad_camp_2]Should you teach your spaniel to walk to heel in early training, or wait until all other training is complete? Well, the heelwork versus hunting debate has been doing the rounds of … [Read more...]
Getting a second gundog
Somebody the other day asked me, should they get a second dog. And my answer was yes, yes and YES! It is so much easier to train gundogs when you have more than one. Of course it isn't always … [Read more...]
Help! My spaniel is out of control.
[wp_ad_camp_2]Very few of us keep a working spaniel purely for working. The vast majority of working spaniels in the UK are also family pets. And therein lies a problem. Because the … [Read more...]
Playing ‘tug’ with your gundog
Dogs love playing ‘tug’. But, if you are hoping to train your dog as a working gundog you will probably have read, and been given, advice on avoiding any kind of 'tug of war' game with your … [Read more...]
How to prevent your dog chasing things
[wp_ad_camp_2]Is your dog obedient until a rabbit runs past? Does he ‘bolt off’ after birds or even butterflies? Chasing behviours are often a problem in young gundogs, particularly in spaniel … [Read more...]